Second time’s the charm
AuthorsThis is a blog post dedicated to my journey so far as an exchange student at LMU, as well as introducing a bit more about myself.

If you know me, you will know how much I love travelling. Munich has always been one of my dream destination and luckily enough I was able to visit this wonderful city back in the summer of 2016. How was it you may ask? It was everything you could ever dreamed of. I fell in love with the beautiful weather, the gorgeous architecture, the lush greenery, the people and of course, the list goes on and on.
So when I heard there was an exchange opportunity in Munich, you know I had to say yes. After filling in countless amount of documents, I finally received an email from LMU about my exchange offer. I was so happy and excited I felt like I could burst.
Since I’ve been to Munich before and did quite a fair amount of travelling in Europe, I thought I knew what to expect. Of course, it’ll be drastically different from my hometown (Bangkok, Thailand) but I think I’ll be able to adapt myself to the new environment and hopefully have the best time of my life.
After a long 11 hour flight, I arrived on a bright and sunny day in Munich. Unfortunately that was the only day with sunlight for rest of the week. The rest of the week was rainy, dark and gloomy.
I never knew how much the weather can affect my mood because it’s always sunny back home in Bangkok and after too many days staying indoors – I got homesick.
I was even surprised myself that I was homesick. Never once have I gotten homesick from travelling. I then came to the realisation that travelling and living abroad is two totally different things.
Travelling is exploring and exulting a new place. Travelling makes you be adventurous and daring, maybe because of the reassurance that comes with the inevitability of going home.
However, living is not about exploring but rather adapting to a new place. Living requires you to put home out of the picture, where you have to try to adjust to a new environment and eventually be able feel like home at this new place.
Then things took a turn of events in the next few weeks. After growing accustomed to Munich and going to a number of social events for exchange students, I started to feel more comfortable and excited with my life here.
Gradually the feeling homesickness starts to fade away, as I find myself noticing the charms of Munich I have overlooked and appreciate all the amazing memories I have made.
- I love the feeling of living in Munich. Munich gives me a very comforting and laid-back feeling, the city doesn’t feel too fast or too slow, it’s the perfect amount excitement, rush and relaxation ~
- I have made so many awesome friends here. It’s so amazing to be able to meet people with so many different backgrounds and experiences, but you all still have the same type of craziness
- I enjoy living alone. I come from a country where majority of people live as a family in houses; thus, it was quite weird for me to live alone in a single room with no shared space with others. Even Though I do sometimes feel lonely, I have learnt to love the complete freedom that comes with living alone, where I can do whatever and whenever I want.
- I never knew how fun cooking is! This is my first time cooking every single meal by myself. I love getting creative in the kitchen.
- Last but not least, Beer!!! Strangely enough, I’m actually not a big fan of beer. But since I’m here I decided to drink it more often. I wouldn’t say I’m a beer person now, but I just love how beer connects people. Munich is not Munich without it’s beer.

My first and second visit to Munich are certainly very different. My first visit was a lot more trouble-free to say the least, but it was definitely not as worthwhile.
I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that I have been here for more than one month already, it really goes without saying that time flies when you’re having fun.
A part of me now starts to feel anxious as time is passing everyday, getting closer to the day I would have to pack my bags and go home. Knowing this, I will just try my best to focus on the present moment and spend the next three months I have to the fullest.
Afterall, what matters is not the time you have, but how you choose to spend it.
I’m excited for what’s coming next!
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