City life . MediaLooted shops, cars, and mansions burned, broken statues, Champs Elysees destroyed, a triumphal arch vandalized, the flame of the unknown soldier close to being extinct … the list is long.
Since last fall, a group of protesters (known as yellow-jackets or yellow-vests) have not stopped talking about him. France has always been known for its demonstrations that were once peaceful enough but those organized by the yellow vests are distinguished from previous by violence and the means used by the protesters.If some would argue that they are only rioters and far-right supporters who break, break, “fight” against law enforcement, it might seem appropriate to look into the original cause of disorder. Let us ask ourselves about the initiators of this movement: Who is in the frontal opposition and not in the search for dialogue? Who deprives non-wearers of yellow vests from going to work by blocking them on roadblocks? Who screams loudly that it is Macron’s fault “if wages do not increase, the price of gas is too high, Macron must resign, he must way that a banker bobo who thinks only of him. Who is in rejection of permanent elitism? Who fights for the people but only resonates in fine with his particular interests? Who relays publications on social networks insulting, degrading people, without any meaning except that accentuate a hatred already present in our country which is a model for our neighbors! Let me laugh! Oh my France, what a beautiful image you had before Christmas at your foreign neighbors! What a beautiful image you have the French, primitive, bellowing, burning all that can be burned, breaking everything up to places of memories!
The triumphal arch is more than a symbol! To degrade it, to tag it is much more than disrespect, it is a shame! O yes, we feel strong by putting on a “yellow vest”! O yes, we feel strong by insulting our president. The weakness of your arguments disgusts me! You do not even know how to concretely explain the cause for which you fight, you confuse everything! What about the weakness of the arguments put forward during interviews given to newspapers, TV, radio? You are right, continue to break, to roar, to behave in the most primitive way! It is hardly lost, it will not change the policy of the Macron government but on the other hand it will continue to worsen your financial situation already so-called so flourishing because yes it is true that the days of strike are paid in France, I had forgotten! You claim to have generated nearly 150 billion budget losses in large supermarket groups. BRAVO! You forgot again that Christmas was coming and that you would have to do some small shopping to be able to fill your belly! Supermarkets do nothing but increase the price of turkey, oysters, and foie-gras. You will buy them in any case no matter what percentage of inflation they will suffer! In short, you are like sheep, you follow a so-called movement called “YELLOW VESTS”, without really knowing why. That’s good, it’s constructive, that’s true! Today, I feel bad, my France, when I see the ravages that you suffered and you continue to suffer, but let’s continue yellow vests! You only persuade the “elites” to leave you there, in your bath of ignorance and in your permanent hatred! SHAME ON YOU!
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