I am not
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I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
Nelson Mandela
I would start my presentation with this little part of this amazing poem Mandela wrote whilst he was in jail. For this semester in Munich, that is a mind set I want to pursuit on everything. Starting at home, where I live with two of my best friends, and everyone knows how hard is it to live with people, so, a good start of being the captain of my soul would be to react peacefully and friendly to our little frictions.
I am a social human being, I was born to communicate and relate with people. I am one hundred percent sure that is my biggest quality. But to live in a peaceful way be a good communicator is not enough, specially if I am sharing house with close friends, that almost know me better than I do.
Mandela’s poem is not only relatable with my house living, but with the whole experience in Munich. This is the first time I dive into this deep ocean of responsibilities that independence brings with it. So to be happy and feel alright it will be important for me to keep doing things for me as well. I mean to do things not only sociably, but in my own, like playing football. It is something I must do to keep sane. It is part of who I am, my routine and passion for 10 consecutive years.
Also in studies Mandela is pretty accurate. To sit in a table alone and study can be incredibly hard. To be the captain of my soul means to overcome our own laziness and do what we have to do.
I am not sure if I am ready for this semester, I feel it, but hopefully in the end of it I will come to this post and see that I was, crystal clear!
Dear readers: the formatting and I didn’t get along so well, this is supposed to be a poem, read it as such please
I am not
- I am Tomás, not Thomas
- I live in Portugal, not in Spain
- Like to have one beer, not commas
- I live my life chilling, not in pain
- I like books and movies
- Jazz and R&B
- Enjoy working with no worries
- Like cinema, not TV
- I play football, not soccer
- Don’t want to ruin your dreams
- But don´t come to me with soccer
- Don’t even know what that means
- Eating dark chocolate right now
- And feeling in Heaven
- I lost myself somehow
- Said two pieces, i’m in piece number seven
- As you may have seen
- Concentration is not my best quality
- To explain what I mean
- Me and a gold fish are in equality
- I guess is time to say goodbye
- Since my head is in Moon
- You know the path is towards sky
- I’ll be waiting, see you soon
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