Introducing myself
UncategorizedHello everybody!
My name is Alicia, but you can also call me Ali and I’m from Spain. To be more in concert I’m from the famous island where everybody wants to go on holiday, Mallorca. I love that place too, not only for its beautiful beaches but also for its good weather, good Spanish food like tapas or paella and for the nice people you can find there. However, I am studying at the University of Alicante where I live in the city with my friends during the whole winter semester. There, it is also very nice and having the sea so close feels like home every time I see it.
Alicante is a beautiful city but this year I needed a challenge to satisfy my desire to discover new places and meet new people. So, I decided to do an Erasmus year, but because of the coronavirus I postponed it to the summer semester. I really had a German city in mind because of the language. Having some German speaking skills, I decided to come here to put them into practice and improve them.
I wasn’t sure about coming because of the current pandemic situation, but regarding this I am very happy that I finally did. Also, I think that even if there is coronavirus, we have to accept it and learn to live with it by enjoying life in other ways that we weren’t used as we do now.
I plan to stay in Munich for the whole summer semester, enjoying a better weather than in winter. My expectation for this time is to make the most of every day by having fun, going on some trips (when the situation allows it), staying close to the people I already know and of course meeting new ones as well as enjoying this wonderful experience. As I have in mind, these would be my plans for at least the next three months in addition to studying at LMU from home. In the meantime, I am also planning to do an extracurricular internship at a start-up fashion brand here in Munich.
To sum up, I think this time in Munich sounds great and I am very excited to enjoy every day and go back home with a suitcase full of learning. So, I’m ready to start this adventure and you?
It’s a pleasure to meet you all.
Best regards,
J.Alicia Martorell