Where I Belong
It’s been a couple of weeks since I sadly said goodbye to all of you on this blog, to anyone who has ever read us, or to anyone who came across one of our posts by chance. But I never said it was forever. It was a see you soon!
So here I am… Your favorite islander is back, and this time to stay! (at least until summer comes and the semester is over).
For all those who have recently arrived in town, or for those who still don’t know much about me (except that I don’t have two pitbulls and that I was once on a sinking ship), my name is Alejandra but pleaseeeee, call me Ale! (at least if you want us to get along, for real). I’m 20 years old and I was born in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, in a tiny and precious gem of an island called Gran Canaria, where the sun shines all year round and going to the beach during the winter is possible! However, although I was living in the middle of paradise, I moved to Madrid for my studies (Advertising, PR and Marketing), and I have to say I fell hard for that city too, just like for Munich!
You guessed it right, I am actually not a “beginner” when it comes to this blog (and to the Erasmus experience)! I’ve actually been living in Munich since the beginning of fall, and I already had the pleasure to enjoy this platform when I participated in a previous seminar called Professional Communication. Sounds as nice as it was!
So far so great. New semester, same me. Or maybe not? Maybe something has changed since I first came here 6 months ago. But what may have changed? I know I have grown up a lot as a person, I’m much more independent, I don’t take life that seriously, and I actually prefer to enjoy the little things even more! There’s not much left of the girl who knew so little when she arrived at the airport back in October (and I’m not only talking about cooking something much more elaborated than sausages and rice). I’m talking about making meaningful decisions, meeting wonderful people and taking the first step out of my Spanish bubble. Munich has actually taught me more about myself than I thought was possible: I now know a little bit more about myself and a little bit more about where and how I truly see myself 5 years from now.
It saddens me to know I don’t have that much time left here in this beautiful country and in this beautiful city… But I know I’m going to make the most out of these few months that I still have in my pocket. I am certain that I can call this place my second home. And I am certain that I will never completely leave, because some part of me will remain here until I decide to come back, the memories, the experiences… All of those are already tatted on my mind.
I don’t like wondering about what may be waiting for me in my near future. I wish I had no expectations (as I once mentioned in my first post ever, back in November), because I don’t want to be disappointed if these aren’t fulfilled, but I know for a fact that they will be exceeded. 100%. And I hope yours are fulfilled too!
Thank you for reading me. It was lovely coming back (in due time you may realize that I looooove writing and talking, guess it’s in my Spanish genes!).
Last but not least, take care, grab an icy Aperol and a light cardigan (just in case, because April macht was er will) and relax! This has just begun!
See you soon! Bis bald! Hasta pronto!
Originality is going back to the origins
Antonio Gaudí