A Great Year Ahead of Us
Authors . UncategorizedA couple of years ago I didn’t even know what Erasmus was. Now, I know it is going to make this one of the best years of my life.
Starting From the Beginning
I was born and raised in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. A very small town where everybody knows each other.
My family and friends completely shaped the way I see life and I’m very grateful for it. I was a very extroverted kid until someone hit a weird switch and I became shy at around 13. After that, my life has been a constant battle against shyness but right now I’m winning.

Decision-Making Gone Right
Every single day we must make decisions. So much tougher than others. The first difficult one for me was what I was going to study. I was so anxious about it that I wouldn’t eat. Anyways, I went for Advertising & PR and so far, I’m glad I did. Then I had to choose where to study, that one wasn’t very hard because Madrid has always seemed amazing to me and feel so lucky that I had the opportunity to live there. Then, a few months ago I had to choose my Erasmus destination and between Germany’s culture and language, I had no choice but to come and try some Pretzels.
15-day Rollercoaster

Two weeks ago, I came to Munich and my emotions have been all over the place. Even though I had already been away from home two years, saying goodbye to everyone this time was… not fun. So I took like three days to be sad, then all of the amazing people and places that I’ve come across haven’t allowed me to be sad again.I love the fast lifestyles people have here and I’m excited for what’s to come.

My name’s Michelle, btw. I love spending time with my family more than anything. Going out with friends, watching movies, listening to music and being outside. My favorite season is Fall so I don’t have to say how happy I am to be in Munich right now. I’m probably going to be at the English Garden 24/7 if anyone needs me.
Thank you for reading and I’m very excited to get to know everyone in class! 🙂