Are you from Amsterdam?
AuthorsOh, from the Netherlands? Are you from Amsterdam? Do you know the coffee shops? These are the questions I received a couple of times after introducing myself. I am from the Netherlands, yes. I am not from Amsterdam because I am from Utrecht. And yes, I know the coffee shops even though I don’t use them. Alright, let me introduce myself properly. My name is Fleur Rosier. Born in Utrecht and raised in Zeist (a village near Utrecht). I am 21 years old and I study Communication in… yes you guessed correctly: Utrecht! Before I started my study Communication I studied Media designer – Crossmedia for three years. Now I am in the third year of my second study and I am in Munich for one semester! Why Munich? Because of the food and beer of course. No, but without joking. Germany is familiar to me and very close to the Netherlands. Munich is still a 12-hour journey by train. But it is very close to Austria and the Alps where I and my family will be staying for Christmas.

Enough about school. I would love to tell you more about me and my life here and back home. Let’s start with how my life looks like back at home. This is the first time a life by myself because back home I still live with both my parents and my little sister and little brother. My mom works at a Dutch bank and my dad runs his own company. My little sister (not that little anymore) is studying to become a nurse and my little brother (also not that little anymore) studies at a sports academy. They both also study in Utrecht. Sport is an important subject or maybe more of a lifestyle within our family. All of us are doing a sport. Most of us (me, my brother, and my dad still) play or played volleyball. So that is a big part of our lives because my brother and dad are playing and coaching in the second-highest league. I play in Utrecht at USV Protos. This volleyball club is only for students. I am a very active member here and I love being there to spend the day. Unfortunately, I couldn’t join a volleyball club here in Munich. That’s why I decided to start swimming again. I did that for almost 8 years before I started to play volleyball. So I am replacing volleyball with swimming. Ironic isn’t it? After more than two weeks in Munich, it is safe to say I secretly fell in love with the city and I look forward to exploring Munich! Hope to see you in the city?

Instagram – @fleurrosier | Facebook – Fleur Rosier