Let me introduce you: Tina Vekua!
Culture . Student life . Travel
I had this interview with my very interesting and beautiful new friend, whom I met during the language preparatory courses in German. She is a real example of a mixture of two cultures, because her parents are from Russia and Georgia, but at the same time she has lived in Europe all her life.
Tell me a little about yourself.
My name is Tina, I am 20 years old, I study medicine. I was born and raised in Amsterdam, but my parents are originally from Georgia and Russia. Now I am here in Munich for one semester.
Why did you decide to become a doctor?
Well, mainly because as a child I really wanted to become a doctor, a surgeon. And then, when I got a little older and thought about my future profession, I continued to dream about becoming a doctor. I think that the main reason for my decision is the desire to help people, it gives me real pleasure.
So you still want to be a surgeon?
No, I still don’t know what kind of doctor I want to be. But I definitely want to help patients as a doctor.
Let’s talk about your studying. Why did you choose Munich?
I really wanted to go somewhere for about one semester on the Erasmus program, and I didn’t want to go too far because of the COVID situation, for example, to America, and also there are different study requirements than in Europe. So I wanted to stay in Europe, because it’s like a safe place for me. Also I thought about going to Zurich because it is a very beautiful city and I have never been there. But it didn’t work out because they didn’t accept any more medical students. So my second option was Munich and I decided to come here mainly because I like Germany, because the economy is very good here, for example, and I also think that medicine is much more advanced here than in the Netherlands or in another European countries.
Where do you like to study more: in Germany or in the Netherlands?
Well, I’ve only been here for three weeks, so maybe it’s too early to talk about it, but I like studying in Germany better. Here I have my own space, I live alone, and in Amsterdam I live with my parents. I also really like the libraries in Munich. They are different from ones in the Netherlands because here you can reserve a seat and sit quietly there. Usually I just put my phone in my locker and just sit in the library for two or three hours, and I noticed that I can work much better here than I did at home. And, of course, the atmosphere. I live near the university, so I see a lot of students when I come home and go out, and it gives me some student vibe every day.
What do you miss the most in your home country?
Most of all I miss my friends. You know, here I have to find friends, and for that I have to go and do something. And in my hometown it is much easier, because someone can write to me: “Let’s do it”, and I’m like: “Ok, sure!”. Here I have to make some plans. But it’s actually a good thing, because it takes me out of my comfort zone, and that way I learn more about how to find my people.
What do you do besides studying?
I love playing tennis, and I also love reading, visiting museums, walking around the city and seeing various beautiful places such as churches. I also love to play the piano, but I don’t have a piano here, unfortunately. I have been playing since I was four, so it is quite possible to call it a hobby.
What about travel? Could you name the country you like the most?
Well, I’ve been to many countries, I’ve been to Russia, Moscow and Georgia many times because of my roots, I’ve traveled a lot in Europe. And what about the country I like the most … I don’t know. I really like Germany, but I also like Eastern countries like Russia and Georgia, because sometimes I feel that their culture is really close to me.
Finally, tell me about your future plans.
First of all, I want to finish my courses here. It is quite difficult because they are in German. Of course, I want to continue my medical education. And I also want to try to stay for one more semester in Munich, because, as I said, I really enjoy studying here.
I hope you can make all your plans come true. Thank you for the interview!
Thanks to you too!