Sofia from London: A Very Short Introduction
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Who am I? This was a surprisingly difficult question to answer. I’ll start with the basics. My name is Sofia. I am 20 years old, and I am from London. My mother is Austrian, and my father is Nigerian. I am very proud to be from all of these countries and each of them have a massive influence on my identity.
I have absolutely no idea how to write a blog post, so I have decided to channel my inner 10-year-old self, who would write in her secret journal (with voice activation of course). Even back then I would have described myself as creative, outgoing, and sociable.
As a music enthusiast, that journal was once filled with songs, doodles, and probably very poorly written stories. I played the violin in an orchestra for most of my childhood and now I am experimenting in other areas of music. I love anything music, whether it is writing, listening, sharing, or simply learning about it.
Other than that, I am very emotionally attached to cliché romantic comedies from the 2000’s. I have curly hair, but I sometimes experiment with colourful braids, so my hairstyle may change half-way throughout the course. I am also food obsessed, particularly with East Asian cuisine. So… sushi next week?
I am studying in the business department at the LMU and have never done anything in the media realm before. I hope I can learn something new! I am very excited to continue exploring Bavaria and the beautiful European cities it is surrounded by. Now that I have finished oversharing tiny details about my life, I’d like to say one last thing, which is that I hope the rest of your study abroad or whatever else brings you to Munich is just as amazing as my experience so far!
Have a lovely day.
Sofia <3