It’s Life or Death: We Should be Forced to Donate
Uncategorized“First pig-to-human heart transplant” is what I came across yesterday, during my morning newspaper read (Instagram scroll, actually). The average of deaths by day in the U.S is of 8.159, and we still need to resort to pigs to find donors? Pigs should keep their hearts and human organ donation should be made compulsory.
Pigs are being
Let’s go straight to the point; here’s four problems caused by organ shortages and how they would be fixed:
- 17 people in the U.S dying waiting on an organ transplant each day: Mandatory organ donation would not assure their survival, but will give patients and doctors a chance.
- The number of cases of human organ trafficking growing every year: The vast availability of legal organ donations will make organ trafficking non-profitable and the number of crimes of this category will inevitably lower.
- The lack of organ samples available for research purposes: Mandatory organ donation would create a surplus of organs available not only for transplants, but also for scientists to develop cures and treatments for other diseases. More lives would be saved.
- The ‘unpayable’ price of a human organ ($1 million for a heart). Following the Law of Supply and Demand, the prices would lower, making transplants accessible to more people from different economic groups.
There’s a belief that some faiths are against organ donation and transplantation. Said statement had been debunked. All major faiths —some under specific conditions— support organ donation and is considered a generous act of kindness.

There are also numerous emotional and psychological benefits, these are a couple of them:
- The feeling of giving back to society, and returning good deeds that favored the donor during their life
- The feeling of tranquility for the donor’s family. Feeling that the death of their loved one had a meaning and a purpose.
Every 10 minutes, someone is added to the waiting list for organ donations in the U.S. That’s why scientists have turned to genetically modifying and taking the life of healthy pigs to save lives. Making this switch two mandatory donations would create a radical change in many aspects of today’s society.
This is a topic we don’t usually stop and think about until we’re not in the unfortunate position of needing a donor. That’s why people don’t register and why we need to spread awareness on the surprising numbers related to the issue.
95% of American citizens are in favor of being an organ donor but only 58% are registered.
How to become a donor
Register to be a U.S organ donor
- Register as an organ donor
- Indicate you’re a donor on your driver’s license.
- Create a donor card.
- Tell your family about your desire to be a donor.
- Tell your doctor about your desire to be a donor.
- Make it be known in your will that you want to become a donor.
Click to register to be a U.S organ donor
Health Resources & Services Administration