Welcoming The Revival of Tourism in Bali, Indonesia
Covid-19 which has hit since early 2020 has paralyzed the joints of the tourism business. Large-scale social restrictions or PSBB (the term for restrictions during covid in Indonesia) have made the sector worse off because tourists limit their activities. One of the areas with the most visitors in Indonesia, the island of Bali, was severely affected. The number of tourist arrivals, both domestic and foreign, decreased drastically.
The decline in the tourism sector has also caused a chain effect on other industries such as hotels and restaurants as well as micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Based on data from the Bali Central Statistics Agency (BPS). The hotel occupancy rate in Bali in November 2021 was only 20.67 percent and the worst in August 2021, only 4.77 percent of hotels were occupied. They are helter-skelter to just survive. What needs to be realized, the pandemic has changed people’s behavior. The situation will be difficult to return to normal considering the threat of the corona virus has not completely disappeared.
Therefore, tourism business players must be really ready to face a new era, aka the next new normal. They are required to be creative in turning the threat of bankruptcy due to the pandemic into an opportunity. Hopes sprouted in line with the start of Covid vaccination by the government since early 2021. The number of cases of Covid transmission has decreased in line with the even distribution of vaccination achievements, even though cases had skyrocketed in mid-2021. Tourism business actors must be able to build that optimism by adapting to changes in tourist behavior.
It is necessary to change the concept of tourist destinations that can meet the demands of tourists. As we know, the pandemic has increased public awareness of the importance of health. Tourists will tend to choose tourist destinations that can guarantee their safety from contracting the corona virus. The cleanliness, health, safety, and environment (CHSE) certification initiated by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) will be the main consideration for tourists in determining destinations. For this reason, tourist site managers need to respond quickly by preparing protocols for cleanliness, health, safety, and environmental sustainability in their place of business.
In addition, the pandemic has familiarized society with digital technology. Tourist business actors can maximize this digital concept to market tour packages online. Starting from promo offers, ticket reservations, to accommodation needs. In addition to making it easier for tourists to transact, this digital concept is safe because it prevents them from direct contact with each other.
Tourist business actors are also required to be creative in creating new content in their tourist destinations. In this pandemic condition, the concept of nature tourism will still be the community’s favorite destination. In addition to the freshness of the atmosphere, natural tourism is considered safer from the spread of Covid because the location is open. In order not to be monotonous, the manager can add artistic or cultural attractions at these tourist sites to satisfy visitors. The calculations also move creative economy workers who have been hit by the pandemic.
No less important is the support of the local government (Pemda). The local government must be present by providing guidance and supervision, especially regarding the implementation of health protocols. They must firmly warn or sanction tourism entrepreneurs who ignore health protocol standards. Thus, tourists will feel more secure.
2022 is predicted to be the revival of the tourism business. At this time people’s passion for pleasure, it seems, is unstoppable. They are already bored because they have been confined by all the restrictions that require them to stay at home more.
The signs of the revival have actually appeared in the last two months. Tourists invaded a number of tourist destinations around Denpasar and Ubud Bali. The beaches in Bali as well as the city of Denpasar and the rice fields in Ubud are full of visitors. Hopefully the end of year holidays will not bring back a surge in Covid cases so that this positive trend can continue.