Self Introduction – Praewah (Siraya Petchpul)
AuthorsHi! My name is Praewah I’m 21 years old from Thailand, and I study communication management at Chulalongkorn University. My hometown is in the capital city of Thailand, Bangkok. It’s a very busy city, especially in terms of traffic. The thing I miss most is how cheap and accessible food is there compared to here. I’m a little worried I’ll lose the spice tolerance that I have carefully built up when it’s time to return home. If anyone knows a good Thai restaurant do not hesitate to let me know!
Originally, my plan was to join my friend in the Netherlands, however, when the time came for the results of the exchange program I was surprised to see that I got into LMU instead. This change allowed me to meet and get to know my classmates who I didn’t get the chance to know before back in Bangkok. I’m truly grateful for that and excited to get to know even more people.<3
What I expect out of my semester abroad is probably to learn things whether that be academically or in terms of life skills (which I am learning how to cook rice and such by being forced to live on my own). The course here are all super interesting and challenging in its own ways.
I hope to get to explore Munich in more depth and hit the thrift stores. That is mostly all from me thank you for reading.
P.S If anyone plays volleyball for fun here please do not hesitate to invite me 🙂