This is me, Andreea
AuthorsA bit about myself
Hi! My name is Andreea, I’m 20 years old and I’m half Romanian and half Italian. Originally I was born in Romania and then I moved to Italy at the age of 5 with my parents. That was a though decision but at the same time if I my family would have not taken the risk, who knows where I would be now? Definitely not in Munich!
My love for languages
Something that has shaped me to be the person that I am today apart from my supporting family is surely my varied cultural background, moving from a city to another is already a big deal, imagine moving from a country to another and having to start it all again, you need some courage to do that (and also maybe a bit of craziness in your body, that definitely helps!). Therefore, moving to Italy made me get out of my comfort zone since I was very young, I had to learn a completely different language in order to express myself clearly, so I already spoke Romanian as a native speaker, and then Italian added itself to the list, more or less easily. When you’re a kid everything seems simple but truly it isn’t. After learning Italian I felt I had a great propensity for English as well. Fast forward to high school, when I had to choose what to specialize in I went directly and with no doubts to the languages curriculum. The easiest and most natural choice I’ve ever done. After high school, I had written and spoken knowledge of 5 languages: Romanian, Italian, English, German and Spanish. That did not only become one of my biggest strengths but also showed me how diverse the world is, how many cultures there are and how important is not to be self-centred and that we as individuals tend to always think we are the right ones, no objections to that!
After high school, I knew that I wanted to still work with languages and to later find a job that involved a lot of interaction with different people, so I continued with my linguistic path and went to the University of Ca’ Foscari in Venice. One of the best in Italy for language studies but also the one which allowed me to participate in the Erasmus+ program here in Munich for a semester. So here I am, so happy with my choice and what I am doing. Actually, to be brutally honest, I am super enthusiastic for what is about to come too, I know this is only the beginning. Hard work always pays off in the end.
Erasmus+ in Munich?
Now let’s talk a bit about why I chose Munich for my abroad experience. To be honest, I should start by saying why I actually chose to participate in the Erasmus+ project, since it was not something compulsory! This is my first time living alone. And abroad. And in such a big and multicultural city. It is a big deal, and first of all I wanted to prove myself I am capable of doing this, that I am strong and independent, but also I wanted to feel what it is like having to do it all by myself. Even though I had never been to Munich I instantly chose it because that’s what my gut instinct told me. So I followed it. I knew it was a beautiful city but the reality exceeded my expectations! There is not a single corner in Munich that I don’t like. As soon as I got here I fell in love with the city at first and then, week by week, with the people I met. Now I understand it when they say that the Erasmus experience is unforgettable and one of a kind. You have to live it on your skin to really get it. So far so good I would say, since I arrived in March everything was open after the winter lockdown, so I could say that I was pretty lucky. And as they say: every cloud has a silver lining!

What everyone talks about: Expectations!
My top three expectations for this semester are improving my German language skills, getting to know as many locals as possible as well as making new friends who will hopefully last for life. Along with those, I would like to enjoy each and every moment to its fullest, whether it is drinking a cup of coffee in Marienplatz (when possible) or going for a walk in the Olympiapark and seeing the breath-taking views from there during sunset time. Since I came here, not one day was spent pointlessly and I plan on keeping it as a reality for the whole 6 months of my stay here. Who knows, maybe I can manage to stay longer…

In the next three months I want to stay outside, get that serotonin and relax, study for my courses which I already love, eat tasty food and make as many memories as possible, because I only live this experience once and I never want it to end even though the saying goes:
All good things must come to an end
Geoffrey Chaucer