Dream job – Ludovica
Student lifeImagine waking up every day with a smile on your face, motivated to start a new day at work. Imagine being passionate about your job, coming back home satisfied because you have contributed to improve people’s lives. It may sound like a utopia, but this is exactly what I want my future to be like.
The journey to find my dream job has been really complicated. I have always had several interests that have evolved and changed as I have grown up. My dream job went from “Professional Latin dancer” performing all around the world, to “Therapist” helping people with mental health issues. Despite all the different phases I have been through in my teenage years, one thing has always been clear to me: I am going to do something that makes me happy.
For this reason, when it was time to choose the right high school, I have followed my instinct and started to study languages. My passion for languages has always been a constant in my life. It has started to develop in my childhood: my grandmother was a Spanish teacher and she used to tell me lots of Spanish tales before going to bed. Furthermore, I enjoyed watching English cartoons and listening to American music. I remember translating the songs playing on the radio for my dad during our car trips. He was so proud of me, because I was only 10 years old, and he could not say a word in English.
At University I applied for “Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation” at Roma Tre University, as I wanted to become a translator. But after the pandemic, I changed my mind: the lack of social life during those months of “confinement” made me realise that I am not made for office work. I refuse to spend my life alone in front of a laptop, translating files and documents; I want to do something meaningful that involves a real human interaction.
The Ukraine War also influenced my career ambitions somehow. A few months ago, I met an old lady in the Munich central station who was asking for help. She could only speak Ukrainian, so it was difficult to understand what she wanted to tell me. In the end we managed to communicate with body gestures but in that occasion, I recognized how much linguistic barriers can affect people’s lives.
Migration is an issue that has always been close to my heart. However, since that day the desire to support refugees has increasingly grown inside of me, so I decided to look for a job place that could enable me to concretely help them. I found out that with my bachelor’s degree I can have access to a Master programme called “Teaching Italian as a foreign language”. With this kind of preparation, I will be able to teach Italian to immigrants and give their communities a real contribution. It would be a great opportunity to use my linguistic knowledge and make a lasting difference in their lives.
In Italy there is a growing number of asylum seekers struggling with adaptation, and language is a determining factor for social integration.
My biggest dream was to feel fulfilled and stimulated by helping the others, and now I have found what will really make my dreams come true.

Thank you for reading me,
Ludo 🙂