Continue reading if you need some motivational speech about adult working life.
AuthorsI left my job. Great colleagues and manager, flexible working hours, a dog-friendly office, many teambuilding activities, well-paid job in a prospering and growing marketing agency. But I did not feel I could be the most successful in this field. Erasmus helped me realize that it is not just about having an okay job. You must truly enjoy it because otherwise when something more enjoyable appears, you are not motivated to continue working. My Erasmus started as a home office in my dorm, which I hadn’t really anticipated. I lasted a month (after 1,5 years working for the company).

Let’s be honest, people work for money: to pay rent, feed families, and save for pleasant things that bring them joy. But if you can afford to choose your job (I mean, many people are sadly not in a situation where they could choose), you should find a job that brings you both money and joy. Double satisfaction! I get the feeling of joy at my work by knowing that I am appreciated and respected. And I can only fulfill this by being the best at what I do or by being on the path towards it.
So, if you ask me what my dream job is, it is nothing specific. I would like to stay in my field of study, marketing, but I do not know if I am meant to be a Strategic Planner, Brand Manager, or CMO. I would love to work on a meaningful project, partner with inspiring brands, and create impactful campaigns. I want people to know my work and who is behind it. Maybe I’ll start my own company. I do enjoy exploring my hidden talents and skills and I want to use them up to their fullest potential.
I already tried many jobs. My last position was PPC Specialist in Digital Marketing. I liked it, I was not bad, but I felt that my drive was not equal to my colleagues. They were so passionate and eager to learn all the time. I knew I must switch because otherwise I would be stuck in one place. You would never grow if you stayed in your comfort zone. You must deal with challenges and stay active in searching for your passions.
I worked for Nespresso and a customer once asked me if he should put the coffee capsule to the freezer to make an iced coffee.
There might be two types of people. Those, who are consistent, follow their dreams and have clearly defined goals. I personally lean towards the exact opposite. I believe that your goals are constantly changing as your life evolves. With every new experience, your priorities might change. I don’t want to reach a goal Eliška set 2 years ago. Present Eliška might want something else. People, who have already achieved their goals, often do not even realize that they have achieved them. They are unfocused, and they just keep setting new and higher goals, and higher job positions and they are never really satisfied. I do not want to be this type of person; it does not suit me. I want to keep flowing with my so-called destiny that I am creating, accept upcoming challenges, and explore all the possibilities life is giving to you.