When the goodbye is just for now.
Student life . TravelI am excited, ready, and nervous all at the same time as I prepare to make the journey to Munich. I have always wanted to be an exchange student once in my lifetime. I arrived here knowing no one; it was my first time flying alone, far from home in a country where I did not even know the language.
Everything is new to me in the first month, including people, the education system, and the environment. Every moment I am truly happy here. I visited eight countries in Europe, and it was such a special moment and a great experience to not only be on my own but also to enjoy every single moment.
I used to think that I was a very unlucky person, that if something bad happened to one out of every five people, it would be me lol, but now I realize that I am the luckiest person who has been given this incredible opportunity to be here, to have many friends from all over the world, to study at one of the best universities in the world with many great teachers, and to live in the most beautiful city.
However, I am undoubtedly having some bad times here, missing my home, family, and even friends, but the feeling never lasts long because I am so extremely lucky to have such incredible friends here, whether Thai friends or international. To be honest, they keep me alive, as I’ve told them several times but will persist to do so. I couldn’t be who I am, be this happy, or encounter any difficulties without them.
Nothing lasts forever, but every memory here will last in my mind until my last breath for sure. I have achieved what I was expected to accomplish here. I’ve learned, I’ve failed, I’ve laughed, I’ve loved, I’ve cried, and I’ve appreciated everything that has happened in my life here because it creates a new version of myself every time I open my eyes and begin a new day.
Time flies so fast and it pushes us forward whether we realize it or not. After 5 months, itโs finally time to say goodbye but just for now. Auf Wiedersehen!