UncategorizedHello everyone, my name is Jakub, I am 21 years old and I am an exchange student from Jablonec nad Nisou (Gablonz an der Neiße), Czech republic. The city used to be part of an area called Deutsch Böhme and later Sudetenland and it was mostly a german city. That’s where my last name comes from as I am part german. I have family in Geretsried and I also had family in a city where the germans from Gablonz moved – Neugablonz, which is a part of Kaufbeuren a city located in Algäu – not that far from Munich. As I spent a lot of time in Kaufbeuren as a part of an Austauschprogramme I also have some friends studying here. All summed up – Munich was the perfect choice for me when I was deciding where to go for my semester abroad.

I am currently studying Marketing communication and PR at Charles University in Prague a subject that I thoroughly enjoy. It already gave me countless opportunities to work in the marketing field – before I came to Munich I had an internship in the Škoda marketing department. It was hard at first as I started working there during the Covid-19 pandemic, which meant that most of my coworkers were at home. In the future, I would like to pursue online media advertisements and PPC ads.
Because of the place where I was born I love the mountains. I LOVE hiking and cross-country skiing. I’ve spent every single free day here hiking – the Alps are beautiful at this time of the year. I hope that I will enjoy skiing here as much as I enjoy it back home.

It will be interesting to live abroad for so long – I am excited for all the new people I hope I’ll meet and for all the memories.