Get to the polls!
UncategorizedKatie, 20, is an American University student studying International Relations. She is dedicated to modernizing policy and taking the steps to help do so. In this instance, it is working on a House of Representative Campign for a man she believes can make a positive impact on the American Legislation. Katie will continue to tell readers more about her title, everyday tasks, and the overall department she works in.
What was your job title?
My job title was an organizing intern on Sean Casten‘s campaign.
What type of campaign was this?
I worked for my congressman’s reelection campaign. He is in the House of Representatives in Washington DC, so it was a national campaign.
What department did you work in?
I worked in the organizing department, so in the campaign world that means that I created turfs and these turfs were sent out to other interns and field organizers so when they went into neighborhoods they knew which doors to knock on. That’s kind of the central goal of field organizing is to hit certain doors because you want to reach certain people in order to get their opinions their policy issues and to convince them to not only vote, but also vote for your candidate. Field organizing is also about engaging the public in the congressman’s agenda and reelection campaign so that means a lot of voter contact whether that be texting phone banking or knocking on doors like I mentioned.
When did you work at this political campaign?
I worked on this political campaign starting in May of 2022 until August of 2022 when I went off to school. So I worked over the summer for his primary election since he was going up against another candidate before the general election here in November and so we canvassed and prepped for the primary in June and then I worked for him afterwards.
What were you responsible for with the title Organising Intern?
I was Responsible for making calls to volunteers to persuade them to volunteer for our campaign and then I would ID certain voters to make sure that we reached out to them for financial donations. I was also responsible for canvassing various neighborhoods throughout the district and giving them pamphlets and flyers for meet and greets and convincing them to vote for Sean, or to simply see if they’re going to vote Democrat, Republican, Independent, or other . I also text people to see who they were going to vote for and what their main policy issue was whether it was women’s reproductive rights, gun policy, etc.
Why did you chose this specific campaign?
I chose to work on this campaign because I lived in my congressman’s district for my entire childhood up until I left for college and I worked on his campaign in 2020 and I really enjoyed that time. However, due to COVID-19 it was completely online and so I wanted to have an in person campaign experience this year and that’s why I returned to his campaign. I also agree with many of his policies and his stances in the house and so I would love to continue his policy agenda and to make sure that he is representing the voice not only of his constituency but also representing all of our district in a good light in the House of Representatives. My congressman was also a scientist and an entrepreneur for a green energy company before he became congressman in 2018 and he is an avid The campaign Proponent for climate change legislation and green energy legislation in the house. I believe that with the climate crisis it’s especially necessary to have someone with a strong background in green and clean energy to be in the House of Representatives and so that’s why I believe that he should continue to be there, and that’s why I continue to work for him on his campaign.