Oh well- I guess all good things come to an end?
City life . Culture . Night life . Student life . Travel
Within three weeks I am packing up my stuff, which is A LOT more than when I first came to Munich, and traveling back to Sweden. These past months have truly gone by so fast!
It feels like yesterday when I was walking in a sunny Englischer Garten for the first time, being amazed by the Rathaus at Marienplatz and having my first Pretzel. Which I learned, from a very German guy, is pronounced “Breeze”, if you don’t want to sound like a lame tourist, (which I guess we all are in the beginning).
But from at first feeling like a confused tourist, to walking the streets of Munich feeling like a local is a great experience. A local with just a tiny bit of knowledge of the local language, but still.

Looking back at my time here, I have experienced so much and met so many wonderful people from all around the world, and I am so happy I got the opportunity to do this.
From all the lovely memories I have from Munich I want to share with you- a few favorite places and experiences.
First up!
Visiting beautiful places in Germany and surroundings has been amazing. Within the first couple of weeks me and my boyfriend went to Schloss Neuschwanstein to see what all the social media photos actually were about.

And it was exactly as beautiful as we hoped for! Although, the walk up was a little bit longer than I expected.. Remember this was before I became an amazing “german” hiker-girl from living in Munich. 😉
Two Aperol Spritz a day keeps the doctor away
When we are still on the traveling-theme, another amazing memory was when we took the car to Italy and visited the beautiful city Verona. It was a sunny weekend in November, and the otherwise super touristy city was now a bit more spacey.

I believe I had approximately two Aperol Spritz a day, and also of course- lots of pasta and pizza.

Spending time in the alps

Another thing I’m grateful for is my new found interest in hiking. Believe me, I NEVER thought those words would come out of my mouth.
Neither did anyone around me. But here we are, I guess I just needed some beautiful alp-views to change my mind. And also the cozy cottages with delicious food and drinks on the top.
Nightlife in Munich
But to be honest I have not become an all outdoors- german- hiker from living here, some of my best memories from Munich are all the evenings having drinks with friends at fun bars, all the restaurants and cozy cafés around the city.

I must say that the nightlife and restaurants in Munich have surprised me in a positive way! The only thing is that there is not as much prosecco as it is beer…
But going to Germany- I believe that’s something I should have understood 😉

And what about the future?
Now I’m going back to Stockholm to write my thesis, which I decided is going to be about journalism and objectivity. In the autumn I’m going to an internship, which I started applying for now. Hopefully I’ll get a good one!
Even though it feels sad to leave Munich, I’m also looking forward to reuniting with friends and family in my hometown, and also not needing to go to IKEA to get some Swedish food..

In the future I definitely want to live abroad again, but this time hopefully working as a journalist or in communication and media. I would love to live in London again, or maybe even Boston, Seattle or New York. Who knows, I might be back in Munich!
Thank you for following my journey here as an exchange student in beautiful Munich.
Danke und auf wiedersehen!