Q&A with Swedish actress Sofia Karemyr
CultureShe got her first role as a 17 year old, and has since then participated in a number of Swedish series and films. The most recent one is The Playlist, which aired on Netflix last year. But acting is not the only passion of hers, she also recently resumed her nursing studies alongside with her career as an actress.
Hi there Sofia Karemyr!
Question: First of all, how are you today and what have you been up to?
Answer: Hi there, I’m very good thanks!
I’ve just resumed my nursing studies after a long break so I’ve been watching a long lecture on tumor diseases, not the funniest subject maybe but very interesting.
And I’ve also been on a call back for a new film today! My plan when I finish my studies is to combine the two professions. Acting is the funniest, most rewarding thing I know and nursing gives me stability and a feeling of contributing to something bigger. I think that’s a combo that would be great for me!
Q: So, tell me- why did you want to become an actress?
A: I’ve always thought it’s been a lot of fun to dress up and pretend to be someone else. Growing up, we had a huge bag of dress-up clothes at home that my friends and I used extensively and made our own short films and shows.
So when I took my first theater course as a 13-year-old, that’s what interested me, getting to play different roles. I was very shy around new people as a child, and somewhat stuck in that role in many contexts when I got older.
When playing theater, I got an opportunity to not be that shy girl and instead show a range of strong emotions that I didn’t let out otherwise. That’s still what I find most enjoyable about the profession, I get to express myself in ways that I wouldn’t do as myself.

Q: The first movie you starred in was a Swedish movie named “Call girl”, which is a true story about a young girl who’s getting tricked into prostitution. How was it to record that and portray that young girl?
A: Overall, it was actually a fantastic experience, I received such a wonderful welcome into the film industry. I was only 17 when we shot it, so I was well looked after on set by basically everyone there.
You’d think it would have been a tough experience, and of course it was at times, but I mostly remember it as something cool and beautiful. I felt incredibly honored to get the opportunity of portraying a person who had gone through something so terrible, and put the spotlight on a person who really deserves attention considering everything that happened to her at such a young age.
Q: What is the hardest part with acting according to you?
A: The hardest part is probably the time between jobs. Also a big part of being an actress is going to auditions and not getting roles, comparing yourself to others who got roles that you didn’t get, working on your self-esteem when you haven’t worked for a while and more.
Once I’m on site and working, I really enjoy being there, but it’s also hard to not compare myself to others. But I always try to tell myself that I’m enough and that I’ve been given this role because I do it best.
Q: And of course- what is the best thing about acting?
A: Again, to step into a completely different world and into someone else’s shoes. Getting to explore what the character I play says and does, what she values, how she acts when she’s sad, what she says when she’s in love.. And to interact with my co-stars!
Q: You are now in the Netflix series “The Playlist”, how was it to see yourself on such a big platform?
A: Very exciting!
There is something special about being part of such a large production overall. When you are on set, you feel that people are very invested and extra keen to make it great. I think it shines through, the series feels very well done and it’s so exciting to be part of it.

Q: And I heard you also had to cut your hair really short for the role in “The Playlist”, did you need some time to adjust to the change?
A: Yes! I’ve always thought that if I ever cut my hair it would be for a role, so when I was asked I just felt I had to try.
It took some getting used to it, but mostly I thought it was a lot of fun to have a reason to change myself so much.
Q: If you got to pick, what kind of role would be your dream role in the future?
A: It would be interesting to portray a person who actually existed and made a big difference.
Getting to go completely into what that person was like and do a lot of preliminary work so that it will be portrayed as fairly as possible. Another dream role is to do a real action role, like Lara Croft.
Q: And last but not least, what’s your advice for people who want to proceed in acting?
A: Believing in yourself, and taking your dreams seriously is super important! It’s not always that easy, believe me, but if you go to a test shoot without at least a little self-confidence, it will be difficult for others to believe in you as well. Humility is another quality that goes a long way, everyone wants to work with someone who is kind. Being a diva never works!
And also, get in touch with casting agents, and put effort in taking good classic headshots of yourself. Even if they don’t respond, they get to see you and hopefully have you in mind if a suiting project comes up!