Authors . Student lifeSawasdee! (The word “Hello” in Thai language)

With excitement and anticipation, the girl flew 8,672 kilometers from Thailand to Germany. “Patty” is what people call me, and that is actually my nickname. In Thailand, most people have two names. I guess because we have a name that is too long, we need a nickname that can be easily called. My name is “Anyamanee,” which means gemstone in Thai. I believe my parents gave this name to me because they want me to be precious and shine, like a gem.
I was born in Bangkok, but I grew up in Nakhon Ratchasima, a province located in the northeastern part of Thailand. If I had to describe my hometown in one word, it would be “Big Mountain.” This is because “Big Mountain” (or ‘Khao Yai’ in Thai) is an extensive mountain range encompassing four provinces in a country. Moreover, it is the source of several watersheds and is the site of numerous natural activities. Hiking, studying nature, observing various wildlife, rafting, cycling, and camping in the forest’s center are all options. So if you are a nature lover, it is definitely a worth-visiting place!

Exploring new cultures is what I am always striving for. My journey of being an exchange student began when I was 12. I went to the United Kingdom for two months of studies. As a 12-year-old girl who had to live abroad alone, everything was exotic for me. However, I manage to blend in and enjoy British culture. My second journey page took place in the United States. I am once again an exchange student, but this time for a year. I expect everything would be similar to the American high school series I have watched, but it is not even close. Struggling, for sure, I had a hard time and used to call my mom to send me back home over the first few months. Fortunately, I met several wonderful people who made my exchange life throughout the year much more memorable.

This time, I am going to start the third page! At first, I had to make a hard decision because I could not decide whether I should spend my life as a university student in Germany or South Korea. I was about to choose South Korea because I am a big fan of KPOP and much more familiar with Korean culture. However, deep down, I feel that I have to select Germany because I want to immerse myself in a new culture that I am unfamiliar with. In addition, since Germany has land borders with many nations in Europe, I may travel to many other counties and explore as many cultures as possible.

Being in a different culture will somehow leave a part of me. But what is more important is that I will never be 20 and experience the life of an exchange student again!