French press rights in today’s world
Authors . MediaPress freedom is a foreign concept to me as I simply assumed when writing in the creative field that people would have the freedom to pursue writing with regard to whatever or however they felt. I always believed that people who write as a professional career don’t have to abide by certain rules, but have to write with a purpose that aligns with whatever their employer envisions which, within itself, limits the writer by going the extra step to now consider freedom from a legal perspective. This is crazy to me. Going more in-depth with press freedom, I think that i want to look into the situation in France that overall seems to be more free in terms of coverage of situations, however I want to center my research around a particular incident, the ongoing protests. These protests are the result of what appears to be multiple recurring issues, and the French citizens are fighting against the change that is being applied to the retirement system, their last straw. This within itself is a major on-going issue as it the reason that has motivated many strikes, and for information people do tend to consult !!!!!!! News and other outlets for the details.
During protests, writers and other news outlets are supposed to be able to go on site (for information rather then to protest in-order to get details, which in theory, and before in reality, used to protect them if these protests became violent and the police had to use force. People who are associated with the press are able to identify themselves, and had a system developed, along with the help of the government, to give them immunity) this right now appears to be a privilege to many as there are many videos and articles about how said immunity for the sake of spreading information is no more and how the police force are taking nothing into account when it comes today’s world. Writers and news outlets are now getting abused regardless of their political contribution and just for doing their jobs which in a way is now adding a not so neutral element that the news used to provide us with considering the rollout of events.
The RSF (Reporters Without Borders) posted an article as well about the matter
The World Press Freedom Index compares relative press freedom based on 5 indicators, across all nations to determine where each one stands. France has historically ranked highly in the World Press Freedom Index, demonstrating its dedication to press freedom and freedom of expression. The nation is renowned for having a strong legal system that defends journalists and their work while preserving a diversified and independent media environment. However, there have been worries about the surge in online harassment and the frequency of attacks on journalists in recent years, which has caused a modest drop in France’s position. However, France is still regarded as one of the nations with generally hospitable conditions for press freedom.