Munich, ich liebe dich, auf wieder sehen
UncategorizedIt’s already been five months since I came to Munich in March, and I can’t believe it’s time to leave. I think coming to an exchange student was the best moment of my life. Coming to Germany, especially Munich, was my best choice. It was a short period, but it was the happiest time, and I think it made a lot of changes in my future life.
I did many things while living in Munich. In March of the first month, I met my closest international friends for a semester while taking a language course. We got close by taking classes together every day and it was a fun time.
The best place in Munich is Olympiapark near my dorm first. I could do many things such as taking a walk, jogging, and picnic. And I could listen to a concert in the hill of the park. Therefore, Olympiapark is the prettiest and best place.

As Germany is the center of Europe, I was able to travel a lot. I don’t think I need to travel for a while. I’ve been Spain, France, Prague, Hungary, Italy, Austria, and other cities in Germany so far, and it’s been a time to experience and see many things.

Also, I experienced many new things while living in Munich. I eat German beer and bread almost every day, I went to many parties, and festivals. I was able to experience things that I couldn’t do in Seoul.
And finally, I was able to meet so many new people during the semester. It was interesting to learn about cultural differences while talking with friends from various countries. It was fun as I got used to sharing small talk wherever I went. I had a great experience making friends from various countries, and it is really nice to have friends to meet when I go to that country next time.
Living in Munich for a semester, I was so happy even though there were not always good things. The exchange student period, which was an opportunity to change my life in the future, is coming to an end, but I will keep it as a good memory. Bye, everyone!