Let me introduce myself
UncategorizedThis post will give you, my dear readers, a short introduction to me and my world. To start with, I have a tattoo across the right side of my chest saying “The World is Yours”. This world of mine is also yours, according to me and the two men who inspired me to immortalize this quote; American rapper Nas and fictional drug-lord Tony Montana from the movie Scarface.
“Whose world is this?
The world is yours, the world is yours
It’s mine, it’s mine, it’s mine
Whose world is this?
The world is yours, the world is yours
It’s mine, it’s mine, it’s mine
Whose world is this?”

My name is Julius Johansson, my older brother was named with the same theme (historical emperors, ruler, conquerors). Alexander? Too mainstream. Djinghis is only one year older than me and we have a younger sister as well. I was born in September 1999 therefore I’m a virgo, but I keep forgetting wether that makes me loyal as a friend or naive as a potential partner. Any of you who are knowledgeable in the subject astrology?
I’m passionate about reading and writing, mostly subjects as art, pop-culture, philosophy, history and fiction. I also love to party, drink wine and vibe to music. When it comes to sports, I love sailing. Me and some friends have a wonderful boat together, her name is Martina and she was built in 1963, same year as Brad Pitt was born. As you may know, old wooden boats require lots of time and work, and Martina is no exception. Besides the Media and Communication-studies at Södertörns Högskola, I work as a bartender at the legendary “Tranans Bar” in central Stockholm. If you ever visit Stockholm, make sure to check it out!
Best way to end a week full of studies and a weekend full of work? My other big love besides Martina only spells three letters: AIK. Swedens best, biggest, most beautiful football club. Watching AIK on the Sundays from the short side, chanting and drinking beer for 90 minuets is truly beautiful. Our colors are black and yellow and through the pyro and the smoke from “Norra Ståplats” our songs have echoed since 1891.

Moving to München for this semester is a dream coming true, and also my first time living abroad. LMU is a prestigious and famous University and I’m so excited be here. My first impression from this city and LMU has been great. People are very welcoming, social and open-minded. I hope to improve my English, broaden my academical horizons and make friends. Last Saturday I joined my new German friend Ole to watch Augsburg – Wolfsburg! It was an amazing experience that ended 3-2 to Augsburg, “our” team.

I`m also into wine, and trying to find a good wine bar here in Munich. Preferably with focus on natural wine, so let me know if you know some good places! Also looking forward to visiting the BMW – museum and maybe doing a short weekend-trip during November.
See you in class!
Julius Johansson