Yep, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got here
UncategorizedCiao! My name is Rebecca and I am an Italian Erasmus student in Munich, as you might imagine since I am writing on this blog.
I was born in August 2002 (that makes me a Virgo, fortunately or not) and I come from a beautiful small city called Ancona, situated on the Adriatic coast of Italy in the Marche region. After having studied languages in high school, I packed my things and I moved to the northernmost region in Italy, South Tyrol. So from the hills and the blue sea that I was used to, I found myself surrounded by the beautiful Dolomites.

I chose to study at the University of Bolzano because that could give me, and still gives me, the opportunity not only to study something I am interested in, which is Communication, but also to study in English and German. I have always wanted to study the German language, since my grandmother comes from Austria and used to sing songs to me in German when I was a child. My goal was to be able to have at least some simple conversations and I can say that I am proud of the results I obtained in only two years, but obviously I can still improve.

This is the main reason why I decided to study for one semester in Munich. I do not know if after one month it is too early to say this, but I really love this city and what it has offered me until now. I like its aesthetic, the people and the many things you can do here. Even though I love nature, I am still a city girl and Munich is the perfect size city with a lot of green.
Some of the things that bring happiness into my life are spending some quality time with my friends, my family, art and music. A big part of my life was also dancing, since I did it for almost 10 years, exploring Ballet and Contemporary. I love eating good food and even if I am not the best cook (a shame for an Italian, I know), I still enjoy trying new recipes and especially cakes.
It has already been a month since my arrival in Munich, but it feels like it has been a week. What I wish for myself is to enjoy at the maximum level this experience and take the best out of it, to meet beautiful people (I already did <3) and to discover more and more about this lovely city.