This is not a farewell, just a goodbye!
Authors . City life . Excursions . Student lifeDear Munich,
This experience started with a letter, so it should also end with another!
The moment of saying goodbye is always the most difficult when you have spent one of the most beautiful periods of your life! So much has happened during these months: I met new people, made very special friends and had the opportunity to travel and visit new places.
First of all, I have to thank my housemates for making this a very unique experience! I am happy to have met such wonderful people, who turned out to be kind, caring and amazing friends. I have to admit, it took me a while to get into the dynamics of the WG, because I am quite a private person, but when I realise that I can really trust other people, no one can stop me! What amazed me about them was the simplicity and naturalness with which they welcomed me from the first day. The relationships that developed between us grew slowly, without pressure, and respecting each other’s time. And that is exactly how unique friendships began! I am happy to have spent these months with them, to have given them a part of me, as they have given to me. They are people I will always keep in my heart and I will miss them a lot! At least now I have one more reason to come back to Munich more often!

In every experience I have had so far, I have indeed had the privilege of meeting many people, with different stories and experiences. I believe that meeting other people is a bit like meeting other worlds, sometimes similar to yours, sometimes completely different. It is like going on a journey where you discover new places and new points of view; where you can express all your curiosity towards novelties and getting new knowledge for yourself to grow. Everyone has their own story, their own ideas, and it is exchanging different aspects of ourselves that enriches us as human beings! It is not easy to share parts of ourselves with strangers and to step out of your comfort zone, but it is always worth it! It gives us the opportunity to grow as individuals and to learn to develop new and different relationships. And it doesn’t matter if someone is just passing by or is staying, this is also part of life and the beauty of building relationships with others. For this reason, a special thank also goes to all those who allowed me to come into their small worlds and to whom I was able to give a little of my own.

But the travelling doesn’t end there! It’s been really busy months, in which I’ve been able to travel a bit around Germany, Bavaria and also other European cities. And I will definitely take advantage of the weeks after the exams to do some more travelling!
One of the trips I enjoyed the most was the one to Prague, a magical and fascinating city, full of history and little gems. I really enjoyed getting lost through the streets of the city and immersing myself in the architecture that characterises and differentiates each building from the others. I found it different from other European cities I visited until now: it is very simple, but at the same time very elegant. Then the Christmas atmosphere definitely played its part!

Another trip I will really keep in my heart was the one to Neuschwanstein Castle. It was more an excursion than a real trip, but I have always wanted to visit this castle. It has always been a bit of a dream to visit it, and for a number one Disney movie fan like me, it was a must (for those who don’t know, the castle was the inspiration for Disney’s famous landmark castle). So, it really was a dream becoming true! Honestly, I felt a bit like the princesses in the cartoons of my childhood and it was very exciting! The castle itself is really impressive and the rooms inside are stunning. I really liked it and the view from Marienbrücke is something spectacular!

So, dear Munich, thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me so many precious moments, for giving me the opportunity to cultivate new friendships and to continue growing. It will be difficult to close this chapter and start normal life again once I return home. You have taught me that the world is sometimes never as big as it seems and that sometimes distance is just a limitation, we place on ourselves. Because, if we want to, we can go anywhere.
Thank you again and bis bald!
Liebe Grüße,