From Prague to Munich ✈️
Authors . Student life . TravelHello everybody,
My name is Phuong Linh Hoang, but everybody calls me Kristýna. I was born and raised in Pilsen in the Czech Republic. Both of my parents are first-generation immigrants from Vietnam, so ethnically I am Vietnamese. Growing up, I got to experience the best of both cultures. I am 21 years old and currently studying Communication Studies with a specialization in Marketing and PR at Charles University in Prague. Alongside my studies, I work as an account executive in a marketing agency where I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with major clients like Mondelez and Albert. While I enjoy my time there, I’m still exploring my options and considering a shift towards PR, driven by my desire to engage in meaningful work that contributes to society.
I have always been drawn to the idea of living abroad. My decision to select Munich as my Erasmus destination was influenced by studying German for eight years in Grammar school. Additionally, I completed my school leaving exam in German. I didn’t want to let those years of language study go to waste, so I decided to immerse myself in a German-speaking environment to develop my language skills. As a child, I visited Munich a few times, and my whole family has always been big fans of Bayern München. I enjoy city life, so I knew I wanted to go to Berlin, Hamburg or Munich. With LMU being renowned as one of the top universities in Germany, the choice was clear. I am contemplating pursuing my master’s degree in Germany or the Netherlands, so I’m eager to make the most of my time here and explore potential academic pathways.
My primary goal for this exchange is personal growth and cultural exploration. Over the next three months, I aim to complete all my courses, travel throughout Germany, level up my German language skills, and, of course, have a lot of fun along the way.