I will miss you, Munich
Authors . Student lifeIt feels very strange for me to write a farewell text. It seems like everything just began. It feels like it was only yesterday that I packed my suitcases and headed to the airport in Billund. But I have learned a lot from this exchange. I have learned how to be on my own, how to make friends all over again, and how to be more outgoing. Things can seem really scary at the beginning, but you never know what they are like until you try them.
Every time my friends at home ask me what it has been like to be on exchange, I tell them it is like going to a Danish Folk High School all over again, the only difference being that I don’t sleep at my school here in Munich. The experience is similar because all the people doing exchange start from scratch, moving to another country where they know no one. The friendships I have made along this exchange journey are really special because we only had each other. Another similarity is that I see my exchange friends every day and do fun things with them. I am going to miss them all very much.
I am not ready to say goodbye yet. There are so many things I still want to experience in Munich before leaving. But hopefully, someday I will come back to Munich and do the things I didn’t get to do.
So if you are reading this text and still thinking about whether you should go on exchange or not, the only thing I can say to you is: “DO IT.” You will never regret doing it, but you will definitely regret not doing it. I had the time of my life, and so can you. What are you waiting for?
If you decide to go on exchange in Munich, I would recommend adding a few things to your calendar: the LMU Sommerfest, the Dragonboat race at Olympiasee, and one of the Tramparties organized by ESN MESA. These were some of the best experiences I had during my exchange.