Not a ‘goodbye’, but a ‘see you later’
Student lifeI cannot believe the time has come to say goodbye to Munich. Four months ago, the road before me was seemingly endless, but now I can finally see the end.
This has truly been one of the best experiences of my life. While I knew it would be rewarding, I don’t think I could have imagined just how proud of myself I would be, and how glad I am that I embarked on this journey.
Munich has become a second home. I’ll admit it; the first few weeks were pretty tough. Everything was foreign to me. I was in a country I’d never been to, speaking a language I’d only ever spoken in a classroom and living on my own for the first time. On top of that, I didn’t know anyone. Still, everything fell into place, and I settled into this new chapter of life.
The best part of this is experience would have to be the beautiful lifelong friendships I have made, and the memories we have shared. How lucky that we all found ourselves in the same place at the same time? I feel that it was meant to be.
I have also been so fortunate to have had the opportunity to travel around Europe whilst I’ve been here, with both old and new friends. I have seen some incredible places, met amazing people, eaten delicious food and have had the time of my life. It has also been so special to show my Melbourne friends around Munich. I am so proud to be seen as a ‘local’, and I am always so happy when the enjoy this city as much as I do.
I have grown so much as a person and really broadened my horizons. I will miss Munich, but I will never forget the time I spent here, the memories and friendships I made, and the things I learnt and experienced.
Munich, this is not a ‘goodbye’, rather a ‘see you later’.