A future generation in a world on fire
Climate ChangeTo target the topic of Climate change, we can focus on the responsibility of the scientists, powerful large global companies, or the politicians with the power to change and affect. But what about the people and citizens of mother earth? How will the younger generation tackle and handle a future knowing that the world is on fire?
In September 2021, scientists at the University of Bath published a report that showed that 2 out of 3 in the age gap of 16-25 are worried about climate change (WWF, 2021). Someone that shares these thoughts is 22-year-old Erik.

Erik is a Swedish communications student, currently based in Ghent, Belgium. During our conversation, it was hard not to notice the undertone of frustration.
– There’s frustration over that whatever I’ll do, it will not have an impact on the direction and future that our world is facing, says Erik.
Even though worries about climate change are not a central part of his everyday life, it’s something that’s always there – even during late nights at the recycling stations. He explains that the climate topic has started to take a more significant part of his life, in today’s society he thinks that the topic is almost inevitable.
To deal with different dilemmas regarding the climate and sustainability he has started to ask himself questions.
– Do I need to take that car ride or can I make a better sustainable choice? But mostly I feel hopeless. What can I do that makes a difference in the long run? Especially since the ones with power don’t do enough…
If I say “climate anxiety” – what does that mean to you?
– Oh, that’s present in my daily life. I mean I can’t stop eating food – but I still want to consume, even though I know that no consumption is sustainable, Erik says with a deep and low voice.
He explains that the anxiety and frustration over the climate is something that he recognizes that many of his friends experience too. To deal with this, he tries to make choices that make him feel better in the moment. For example, recycle the plastic that he felt terrible about buying in the first place.
Have you experienced any differences regarding the climate debate in Belgium compared to Sweden?
– Here in Belgium, people throw things everywhere! I’m so surprised by how dirty the streets can be. But maybe it makes sense, ’cause I can’t seem to find any trash cans on the streets here, he says and a little sad laughter appears.
The future
After the fresh election back home in Sweden with a minimal focus on the climate. Erik explains that trying to navigate in a world full of climate change and depressing news makes it even harder for him to not be affected by climate anxiety. One thing that has helped him to find hope in the darkness is his fellow Swede, Greta Thunberg and the movement Fridays for future.
– It gives me hope that the younger generation has the energy to engage and raise awareness over the topic. But we shouldn’t be the ones raising awareness to the politicians – they should be the ones who provide us with knowledge!!
He tries to focus on the younger generation, hoping for technical and digital solutions for less pollution and hopes for a miracle.
– This generation may not yet have the power, but they have the power to fight!
WWF. (2021) . https://www.wwf.se/pressmeddelande/wwf-undersokning-visar-tva-av-tre-unga-ar-oroade-over-klimatforandringar-4115334/ (2021-11-12)