Goodbye Munich

It’s on a rainy day that I have to say goodbye to Munich… I’m a bit sad actually. I look forward to returning to France and meeting my friends and family whom I haven’t seen for over three months. But at the same time, I would have stayed a bit longer here. My stay here Read More

Dear fortune teller, what will my future look like?

What will my future look like? Really hard question… Maybe a fortune teller would give me a guess? My future – this is something I often think about. Only one year left and I’m done with my studies, which means that I’m going to enter the professional world. Having a job which implies responsibilities, carrying Read More

Are we really aware of climate change?

Last April, a part of France experienced frosts that damaged agricultural land, particularly wine-growing land. Such low temperatures were considered as surprising at that time of the year. When they saw images of destroyed crops on television or on the internet, many people expressed the same thought: why are we being told about global warming Read More

Introduction post

Hi! I’m Elsa, a French Erasmus student who will be living in Munich for the next few months. I come from a small village near Brest in Brittany, but I’m studying foreign languages & sustainable development in Normandy, in the city of Caen. Both cities are close to the sea – the Atlantic Ocean for Read More