Who’s watching?

Imagine this: Standing in a room full of the representatives of your favourite brand and shouting out the country you live in, your native language, the pair of shoes you’ve been eyeing all week long. Well, I’ve been doing this all this time. Just behind my laptop. User privacy and data protection are buzz words Read More

A Bill like no other

Reading another headliner about the chaos happening in Hong Kong, Yuki, a 21-year-old undergraduate sighed at her home country’s situation. Many of her friends and even her brother had joined in the protests in the past week to express their displeasure with the government’s decision.  While she was unable to join in the protests in-person, Read More

Limitless possibilities

Art is often regarded as an innate ability you either have it or you don’t. Art is also ever-evolving with designing and illustration morphing from pen and paper to tablet. Today, we hear from Sam, who has a keen interest in digital illustration. Sam is largely self-taught and shares how he has come to discover Read More

Finally out of my box

Hey there, I’m Faith from the very sunny Singapore –  some 10,055km away from Munich. Even as I am sharing this, being on exchange feels surreal. Just a year ago, I remember watching my seniors leave for exchange and seeing their posts and pictures feeling really envious of how fun exchange seems to be. Now, Read More