Big dreams

Before coming to Munich, I haven’t thought much about my career. Dentistry is a major with a fixed path, and we just follow the curriculum for 7 years. I don’t have many options regarding my job, I can either choose to open my own dental clinic, be a professor, or work as a pay doctor. Read More

Plastic Pandemic

When we think of the cause of climate change, many come up with the use of fossil fuels. It is true that this is the number one cause, but another factor we easily neglect is the use of plastic. According to a research from Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS), 8.4 million tons of Read More

Self Introduction: Jiwon

Hello! I am Jiwon Baek and I come from Korea. I’m in my third year studying dentistry in Seoul national university. My home university has a huge campus and unlike here where buildings are scattered in the city, all the buildings are in the campus. Our university is on a mountain, so it’s quite tough Read More