Navigating the Media Field as a Student step by step

In Denmark, there are too many journalists compared to the available job positions. Journalists encounter this issue for the first time during their studies. In the fourth semester, they must apply for an internship, but not all students are fortunate enough to secure one. Around 23 percent of Danish journalism students do not get an Read More

I will miss you, Munich

It feels very strange for me to write a farewell text. It seems like everything just began. It feels like it was only yesterday that I packed my suitcases and headed to the airport in Billund. But I have learned a lot from this exchange. I have learned how to be on my own, how Read More

Journalists should reflect the population

It is important that there are different types of journalists in the world, so that it is not only one viewpoint that is shown in the media. At the Danish School of Media and Journalism it is mainly the same type of journalist student they educate. But at the Mediaschool Bayern in Ismaning they might Read More

Exchange adventure for a danish girl

My name is Katrine and I have a few nicknames, but the most commonly used are Trinner or Kate. I am from a very small town in Denmark called Uvelse with only 1000 residents, so I would say that I am from the countryside, but I study in the second biggest city of Denmark called Read More