My best story

It is curious to think how sometimes feelings can mix to form a convoluted tangle of opposing emotions. How joy and sadness can intertwine until they coexist at the same time. Beginnings are always hard, full of illusion, nerves and expectations; but endings taste bittersweet. I still remember how it felt the dream that led Read More

The grey cloud of Erasmus

You choose your Erasmus destination and with it begins the illusion of who opens a journal looking to write a great story. You can imagine walking the streets of the destination city, discovering a new you that maybe you did not even know and living the great experience that everyone tells you and of which Read More

“I hope my book is their safe place to go when they need understanding or inspiration”, Carla Pérez

Carla Pérez is a journalism student who always found in words a form of expression. Words have become the vehicle of her emotions and they will now reach the audience gathered in her book of poems entitled Ciclo estacional. A story of overcoming that will move readers and will serve as inspiration and a safe Read More

Hey, it’s Carol

I start to write in the best moment since I arrive in Munich. The sad days where everything felt strange and loneliness took my senses are now far away. The sun is shining through my window and filled with warmth the corners of what is now my home. Because yes, it already feels like home. Read More