Empathy can save lives

The number of elderly people dying at their homes and being found there after long periods of time, is increasing. According to the british General Household Survey, the percentage of households with 65 years old residents or older is 6.7 percent of all households. This fear is shared by a growing percent of the elderly Read More

Inclusive education for disabled children: how to meet their special needs

A common problem in actual schools in most countries is the inclusion of children with special needs in regular classrooms. But what does “inclusion” in this context mean? UNESCO defines inclusive education as “a process of responding to the diversity of students”. It involves offering a common education for all students that recognizes, values, and Read More

“I felt like I was eternal, because I was experiencing something internal”

I find myself in the rooftop of a cafe in Munich with my good friend and interviewee, Anna. Anna Bertelli is a 21 years old philosophy exchange student at LMU, who has been rewarded with a special scholarship. She has been a volunteer in Cambodia and is very committed with the environment and with nature, Read More

Mindset of a Wanderer

Hello there! My name is Valeria Martínez Strasser, I am a spanish-austrian 22 years old student, I come originally from Ávila (Spain) and I study Translation and Interpreting (German-English-Spanish) in a very beautiful spanish city called Salamanca. I like music, art, languages, to travel and to write, among other things. Want to know more? Then, Read More