Reflections of my exchange life

When looking back at my semester abroad, I suddenly realized that time really flies. During the semester, I experience a lot of new things, try to deal with cultural shocks and handle all difficulties that I face here in Germany. Every experience could be a long story, as it is not just about what happened Read More

Christmas in Taiwan and Europe, same or different?

As Christmas is coming, my friends in Taiwan start to ask me how people celebrate Christmas in Germany or in European countries. On the other hand, new friends that I met here in Germany are also curious about what Taiwanese people do on Christmas. Actually, about 90% of Taiwanese people are Buddhists or Taoists, and Read More

My Favorite Natural Wonderland in Germany

Last weekend, I took a train to visit my friend, who lives in a lovely town called “Wolferstadt”. Before I went there, my friend told me that there is nothing really special in town but you can be around the nature there. When I finally arrived, it is like what he said, no fancy stores, Read More

A Taiwanese girl’s adventures in Germany

Hi! My name is Wen-Wei. I am an exchange student from National Chengchi University in Taiwan and now study in Faculty of Communication Science at LMU. The reason why I am here is because I would like to expand what I have learned in communication studies in other countries and to make friends all over Read More