Keep learning, stay creative: An interview with a journalism college student about working as an intern at a radio station

For college students majoring in journalism or communication science, it seems that only studying courses in the university is always not enough. Internships seem to be more and more important and have become an important way to improve professional skills and job competitiveness. Lorena Wang is a sophomore student in LMU, majoring in communication science. Read More

Leave a meal for the future

I have always liked a story about farewell in an ancient Chinese novel. A person met another person in the mountains. Then They traveled together and spent a few pleasant days. One of them wanted to treat the other person to one more meal when they went to the next place. But because of some Read More

The changed and the unchanged: How Bayerischer Rundfunk has adapted to the digital age

Our guided tour of Bayerischer Rundfunk (shortened to BR) started from the history gallery in the BR building, a long grey, silent and dimly lit gallery with the history of BR printed on the walls. 2021, 1991, 1971, 1949, 1945, 1934, 1929…. As we walked along the gallery, the time on the walls kept going Read More

Towards forests, night and fairy tales

Endless fields of flowers, wilderness, dense forests, mirror-like lakes, wooden huts, castles ….I was sitting in the window seat of a slow train and these sights were constantly flowing through my eyes. And at the same time in my mind, countless fairy tales were being generated: In the flower fields, elves with transparent wings were Read More