A Little Fish in a Big Pond

Hello everyone! My name is Bella Ward, and I come from a very quiet and sleepy town in Michigan. My family has lived in said small town since its actual foundation. In fact, the founder of my hometown was named Samuel Ward, and my family are direct descendants of him. When deciding on which university Read More

Young, Wild(?) and Free

I’ve always wanted to write a blog, but I’d never gotten around to it until—well, now. Maybe that’s the first thing you should know about me. There is so much that interests me and for which I make plans but never actually do, because a) I’ve researched so much on the topic already, I feel like I’ve already Read More


My name is Giada, or, like all Germans say, Giana. Many people think of the Erasmus year as a year of fun, going to parties and getting drunk. In my case, to give you an idea, the most sensational party I have been to until now was the Sunday Free Brunch at my student flat Read More

Who is this guy?

Hi! My name is Jozzi Billingslea (it’s pronounced like J-Ozzie) and I’m 22 years old. I’m from Detroit, Michigan, which is in North America. I’m studying abroad in Germany at the moment after learning the language for a few years. I would have come abroad sooner however I had too many classes to take. I Read More

Hi! Hallo! Privet!

Hi, Hallo and Привет to everyone! So, my name is Anna and I`m from Russia. Once my groupmate told me that she had remembered my name because of the film “Anna” (2019) about Russian KGB assassin. Luckily or unfortunately, it`s not about me yet. Have you already seen this movie? Frankly speaking, I had never Read More

Munich 2: Electric Boogaloo

 I first visited Bayern in 2015 on a high school exchange trip and I loved everything about it: the proximity to the mountains, the heavenly bakeries, and the rich culture of a state that was once its own country. It was my first time traveling without my family and I soon realised that 3 weeks Read More

Why in the World did This Traveler Land in Munich

(This is me at Hanging Rock in the countryside of Victoria, Australia where I lived for a year.) Read More

A new attempt in life: from Shanghai to Munich

Hello everyone. My name is Zhao Tianrun, from Shanghai, China. As an exchange student, I will study in the LMU for one semester. I was pursuing my master‘s degree in communication science in my hometown university, and will still study the same major in LMU. I was born and raised in a northeast city of Read More

The Life of a Michigander

Name: Anna Stileski Who am I and where am I from? Hello every one! My name is Anna Stileski. I am from Waterford, Michigan and I go to school at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. I am currently a Senior studying Communication Studies and German with a minor in Global Studies. I am passionate Read More

A Spaniard in Munich

Hallo! Meine Name ist Marta Martin. Ich komme aus Spanien und ich bin zwanzig Janhre alt. Don´t worry, my introduction is not going to be in German! I can only speak a few sentences but hopefully I would learn a little bit more throughout this year! As said before, my name is Marta Martín and Read More

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