Vancouver: pacific paradise or metropolitan nightmare?

Vancouver, British Columbia, is the third largest city per capita and the most densely populated municipal region of Canada. Often considered the Hollywood of the North, Vancouver attracts attention from not only major film production studios south of the border, but also tourists from all over the world. As one of the most ethnically and Read More

A Call For Cycle Paths

Cycle paths, especially in the country, would make such a huge difference to all aspects of our lives – physical health, mental health, accessibility of communal facilities (schools and shops), the list goes on. My sisters and I are sitting at home, in a small, sleepy village just 3 miles from the nearest town, where Read More

A Bill like no other

Reading another headliner about the chaos happening in Hong Kong, Yuki, a 21-year-old undergraduate sighed at her home country’s situation. Many of her friends and even her brother had joined in the protests in the past week to express their displeasure with the government’s decision.  While she was unable to join in the protests in-person, Read More

Notre-Dame de Paris: Why so much emotions?

Burning for around fifteen hours on the evening of 15 April 2019, Notre Dame was and still be a huge burning issue for the media in France and worldwide. Every weeks, couples of articles are written to deal about the new challenges Paris has to face up with. If you are interested by this topic Read More

The Road of Democracy- Anti-Extradition Law in Hong Kong

‘It’s my first time going on a protest.’ says a 21-year-old university student in Hong Kong. Neva used to be a political indifferent person. Many HongKongers started their first protest experience by the time the famous Umbrella Movement took place in 2014, while she still remained silent for the time. However, the government has forced Read More

Marriage equality in Taiwan: no rain on this parade

It was a rainy Friday in Taipei, but nothing could dampen the spirits of the 40,000 supporters of marriage equality waiting with bated breath outside the Legislative Yuan building for the new marriage equality bill to be read. Making up a colourful sea of ponchos and pride flags, there was a long pause of silence Read More

It’s massage, not prostitution

The Son of one of Thailand’s oldest soapy massage parlour owners gives insight to the family business and openly admits to the criminal activities surrounding it. Seeing him in person is not what you expect when you think of a pimp. Young, polite, decently dressed with a charming smile and yet – he is one Read More


I met Anna K. in Munich during the month of October. The first time I talked with her was during an ESN Mesa Meeting which took place at Geschwister Scholl Platz (the main building of the LMU). She is 22 years old and comes from Germany. Always smiling and in a good mood, she welcomed me with open arms, always asking if everything went fine or if I needed help to take my mark in the new city I was living in. I had the opportunity to travel a lot with her (to Berlin, to Starnberger See, to the bavarian mountains,..) and to take part to many events she co-organized (like parties).

anna interview

She is now became a friend and I wanted to interview her because I found her experience really interesting, not only as an ESN Mesa member but also as an Erasmus Student because she studied during five months in Italy a couple of years ago.

So, my interview will be divided in two sections : one is related to the experience Anna had as an Erasmus Student. The other one deals about the position she has been occupied in the ESN Network since last year.

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Not like any other part-time Job

Imagine waking up in the morning and not being able to see how the weather is, not being able to check the latest Instagram posts and not being able to read the newspaper in the morning. This is the everyday life over 37 million blind people and over 120 million partially sighted people worldwide. Of course, Read More

off the beaten path

In Singapore, every person pretty much follows the same path in life – making their way to university and eventually getting a job, most likely a corporate one. Although it is becoming somewhat more acceptable, majority of the people who steer off this path to ‘pursue their dreams’ are seen as crazy and most probably Read More

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