The Slussen Project in Stockholm: A Forward-Looking Renovation with “Environmental Considerations”

Stockholm’s vibrant heart is currently undergoing a transformative change with the Slussen renovation project. Initiated in 2016, the project not only aims to rejuvenate the iconic location but also emphasizes environmental aspects to create a more sustainable and modern urban structure. Recently we learned that this project will cost more and take years longer than Read More

Bins On Every Corner

When the twinkling lights of Christmas fade, what remains is not only the memory of joy, but also an increase in waste. Intrigued by the piles of rubbish accumulated in my own home, I made my way to the local bins. Come with me to explore how Czechs are navigating waste sorting in their quest Read More

Zwischen Gipfel und Täler: Axpo Vision für nachhaltige Energie in den Glarner Alpen enthüllt

Im ruhigen Hinterland des Schweizer Kantons Glarus, eingebettet in die majestätischen Glarner Alpen, beschreitet Axpo, die Schweizer Vorreiterin für erneuerbare Energien, den Weg zu einer neu definierten und nachhaltigen Energielandschaft. Im Zentrum steht dabei das Pumpspeicherkraftwerk Limmern (PSWL), ein technologisches Wunderwerk, das für das konsequente Engagement der Axpo für innovative Energielösungen steht.  Doch hinter der Fassade Read More

Germany and Italy meet each other

The Erasmus program is a really life-changing experience for those students that decide to take part in it. For some of them the change might not be so huge and for others will, what is sure is that after one or two semesters studying far from your home country, you will not be the same Read More

From Århus to Ho Chi Minh City: An exchange student’s journey of culture clash and connection

What happens when a 180 cm tall blond girl from Denmark takes on an exchange adventure in Vietnam? She gets a lot of looks from the locals and pictures taken of her. That’s at least how Mathilde Fyhn begins the story of her first month in Vietnam. “Well, I knew I would stand out as Read More

‘’There is a difference between being tolerated and being accepted’’

Being young and Queer is already difficult but not knowing your gender identity is even more difficult. Eden* (20) studies at LMU and is questioning their** gender. ‘’I think I want a label, but more so that I can tell people ‘I identify as x’. Labelling yourself has advantages even more in a heteronormative world. Read More

Learning to “be human” – Giada’s experience as obstetrician in Ethiopia

At the end of April 2023, Giada left her home country (Italy) to live an experience of three months in an Ethiopian hospital, doing what she is studying for: to become an obstetrician. “I would say that going to Africa has always been a dream for me. However, I don’t mean Africa as a continent, Read More

Hi there!

“You’re moving to Munich? That’s so close to Zurich. That doesn’t count as an exchange.” That’s the reaction I kept getting this summer when I told people about my plans. So, let me explain. I’m Audrey, a Swiss student. But for my last semester in my Master’s program, I decided to change things up and Read More

Time Flies, But Memories Last Forever!

From someone who knows nothing about Germany to someone who has become familiar with this country. I still couldn’t believe it had been four months. It seems like I just got here yesterday in Munich.  While writing this farewell post, it is like a film roll in a memory box slowly playing out a story. Read More

Munich will last forever in my heart!

It is time to say goodbye to Munich and LMU, where I spent my sixth semester as an exchange student. Since this is my first time participating in an exchange program and studying overseas, I have obtained a wide variety of experiences and knowledge regarding education as well as living a life, especially living abroad. Read More

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