4 Things To Know About Japan

Aine Adachi is an exchange student at LMU. In this interview, she will be uncovering some truths about the Japanese society, that a lot of people from outside this island country have been wondering about, based oh her personal experience. Hi, Aine. Thank you for doing this interview with me. As I already know, you Read More

Uncertainty, Freedom, Creativity: Architecture to me

My interviewee is architecture major Hongmao Shi from Tsinghua University Beijing China, is currently on a semester exchange program in Technische Universität München. Because of curiosity and interest in architecture. I interviewed her, hoping to learn more about her and the architecture she was studying. The following is a Z for the interviewer and S Read More

The Ultimate Exchange Student

David Liu, an international student in Munich, has studied in three different countries in the last four years of his life. Hailing from the port city of Guangzhou, China, David completed his high school education there and continued on to study at one of the top Ivy League universities in America: Cornell University. Now in Read More

Visit to Deutsches Museum

The LMU offers a course for exchange students with field trips to get to know the media landscape of Germany and Munich. The first trip within this course was to the press office of Deutsches Museum. The students got to visit the current exhibitions and get to know the work of the press officer. Due Read More

About Mexican stereotypes.

Throughout my life, diversity has always been highly present. From being born and raised in Mexico to the numerous visits to friends and family in the United States, from my decision to move to Canada and my experience as an exchange student in Europe. All these experiences have put me in a position of open-mindedness Read More

Displaced people and national identity

Have you ever travelled to a foreign country and feel like you don’t fit in? This can be anything from you not being able to communicate using the local language to struggling to grasp the culture. Now imagine having none of the above problems yet somehow still feel like your existence in the country is Read More

My stay in Munich at LMU

I remember my first day in LMU as if it were yesterday. It was October, I didn’t knew anyone and I had a mixture of feelings between nervousness and excitement before getting into my first class. Today is 6th of August and after two very different semesters here the idea of going back home provokes Read More

Shut up or Shut away

Hong Kong has long been described as a hub for freedom and peace in Asia, while with those recent political incidents, many have started doubted its status. With the announcement of the plan of amending the extradition law in Hong Kong, the scenes of protests, confrontations and occupations have become part of the daily life Read More

Singapore’s failed attempt at bilingualism

Singapore’s bilingual education policy was introduced in 1966, making it compulsory for students to study their mother tongues in primary and secondary school. I think that the forcing of a second language takes away the passion and the drive from us to learn the language and turns it into just another thing on our to Read More

Femmes au foyer désespérée

My German is not the best. I will give you that. Actually my German is quite bad. It will give you that too. But my English is quite good. That, you have to hand me. Actually my fellow Danes and Scandinavians are quite good at English in general, but why? I think the answer is Read More

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