How Reputation Gets In The Way of Reparations

The Battle For Hearts And Minds To Achieve A Better World.  London is a city that can be comfortably prosecuted as guilty for its crimes against the environment. The concrete landscape is impressive, filled with the old and new. An efficient transportation system runs like streams below but above, lies a lack of bike lanes Read More

The Czech Republic, a country where climate change does not exist?

November 17 is one of the most important Czech holidays. It is also the latest one. On 17 November 1989, the Velvet Revolution began, a non-violent transition of power in Czechoslovakia. The riot police suppressed a student demonstration in Prague on International Student’s Day. On the street, where it hapenned – Národní/National street – there Read More

Meet Medic Student Mira Patel

Fact File Name: Mira Patel  Age: 21  Ethnicity: British Indian/Portuguese  Location: London  Occupation: Tutor & Vaccinator  Education: 3rd year studying medicine at King’s Collage  Star Sign: Leo  Hobbies: Mira enjoys most sports but especially Football and Cricket, Going to rooftop bars and trying different foods at stylish restaurants  Relation: Friends of 11 years  Favourite drink: Mojito  Life as Read More

From a journalist to a teacher

Anna Macků is a young and talented 25-year-old teacher who used to be a highly regarded journalist at Czech Radio, which is the most thrustworthy media house in the Czech Republic, according to a Digital News Report survay by Reuters Institute. She now teaches at a primary school in Prague and teaches the Czech language Read More

Welcome to All About Me!

Hello, My name is Gabrielle Gez but I am much more comfortable with just Gabi. For the most part, only my mother calls me Gabrielle and it is usually used when I am in trouble; so my full name is actually quite intimidating to hear. What am I? Whilst being in Munich where I am Read More

Are we really aware of climate change?

Last April, a part of France experienced frosts that damaged agricultural land, particularly wine-growing land. Such low temperatures were considered as surprising at that time of the year. When they saw images of destroyed crops on television or on the internet, many people expressed the same thought: why are we being told about global warming Read More

Climate is changing. Why aren’t why?

Global warming, endangering of species, air pollution, plastic use, ocean contamination, natural disasters, drought… We are constantly bombarded with detailed articles, scientific papers, worrying news and heart-wrenching images of the consequences of climate change worldwide. It has become a rather uncomfortable habit finding such an alarming number of articles on climate change in the media, Read More

Social media and harmful user-generated content: a responsibility that can no longer be ignored

Recent incidents following the spread of dangerous viral challenges on social media call for an urgent intervention to hold platforms accountable Read More

Canceling “Cancel Culture”: Ja oder Nein?

Gerüchte, Lügen, Skandale, Kontroversen und viel, viel Drama. Niemand hat gesagt, dass die Welt der Prominenten ein Zuckerschlecken ist, schon gar nicht für die sogenannten “Celebrities”. Ständig im Auge des Sturms, ist ihre Popularität so zerbrechlich wie Glas: Alles, was sie sagen oder tun, kann und wird normalerweise gegen sie verwendet werden.  Indem wir die Read More

Think before you tweet & beware before you share

I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, but in retrospect, I never imagined that something like this pandemic could take place, not even in my wildest dreams. Since this coronavirus nightmare began, we bumped into a reality we had never faced before. Waking up to this new reality is tough and mentally exhausting, Read More

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