Social media and harmful user-generated content: a responsibility that can no longer be ignored

Recent incidents following the spread of dangerous viral challenges on social media call for an urgent intervention to hold platforms accountable Read More

Canceling “Cancel Culture”: Ja oder Nein?

Gerüchte, Lügen, Skandale, Kontroversen und viel, viel Drama. Niemand hat gesagt, dass die Welt der Prominenten ein Zuckerschlecken ist, schon gar nicht für die sogenannten “Celebrities”. Ständig im Auge des Sturms, ist ihre Popularität so zerbrechlich wie Glas: Alles, was sie sagen oder tun, kann und wird normalerweise gegen sie verwendet werden.  Indem wir die Read More

Think before you tweet & beware before you share

I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, but in retrospect, I never imagined that something like this pandemic could take place, not even in my wildest dreams. Since this coronavirus nightmare began, we bumped into a reality we had never faced before. Waking up to this new reality is tough and mentally exhausting, Read More

The Dream of a Connected World

It all began with the dream of a connect world; now this very same dream is setting the world apart. Who can say that has never accepted the terms and conditions of any social platform online without reading it first? I certainly cannot. And, my guess, neither can you. That is why we are completely Read More

The digital divide in public health and safety emergencies deserve attention

Since December 2019, a number of viral pneumonia cases have been detected in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, and as of January 24, 2020, there were confirmed or suspected cases in all regions except Qinghai and Tibet. The disease was named 2019-nCoV by the World Health Organization on 12 January 2020. In recent years, outbreaks of Read More

Breed Discrimination: The Misunderstood Pit Bulls

Dog breed discrimination is an epidemic across the globe that causes 1.2 million dogs each year to be euthanized in the United States alone. Pit Bulls arguably tend to receive the worst of breed discrimination. In fact, of the 1.2 million dogs that are euthanized in the United States each year, 40% are Pit Bulls Read More

Visit to BR Funkhaus

Within the course Professional Communication in Munich the students did their second field trip to the broadcasting studios of Bayerischer Rundfunk. There, they got a tour through three of the eight radio studios of BR. One of them was a really big studio which is also used as a concert hall for orchestras and other Read More

Visit to Deutsches Museum

The LMU offers a course for exchange students with field trips to get to know the media landscape of Germany and Munich. The first trip within this course was to the press office of Deutsches Museum. The students got to visit the current exhibitions and get to know the work of the press officer. Due Read More

“Don’t always believe what you see on TV”

In todays world, we cant help but believe what we see on tv, read on the internet or see in films. We can all admit that we’re victims of it. It can range from merely a “fun fact” all the way to the global misunderstandings when it comes to a severe misinterpretation with misleading headlines. Read More

Trump’s War on Media

On July 4, 2019 many Americans living in Washington DC were awoken by a sound they had never heard before. Tanks were moving down each of the major streets of the city, and bomber planes were flying overhead. Their destination : the newly rebranded Independence Day celebrations at the Lincoln Memorial. American President Donald Trump Read More

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