Mister Manich of Thairath

Mister Manich (มานิจ สุขสมจิตร), senior editor of Thairath, one of the biggest newspaper publishers in the country, is also an invited lecturer to many classes across the country, with a position in Media Constitution Drafting Committee, spanning over six decades, offers invaluable insights into the evolution of the Thai media landscape, as well as in Read More

Communicating policy 

Communication takes place in all corners of society. Through the neighbour’s hedge, on Instagram direct and in ministries around the world. The Government Official, Asbjørn Jensen, experiences it every day when he goes to work in the finance department in The Ministry of Social Affairs of Denmark. But politics is a minefield and not everyone can Read More

“Journalism shouldn’t be gatekept”: An interview with Antonia Franz, Süddeutsche Zeitung’s podcast journalist

Antonia Franz is a German journalist focusing on audio content, such as podcasts and radio. She got her journalism training at Deutsche Journalistenschule, as well as doing an exchange period in Finland at the University of Helsinki while studying politics and law in Munich. She has done multiple internships, i.e. at Bayerischer Rundfunk and Süddeutsche Read More

Exploring German Media and Politics

As a non-German speaker who has lived in the country for close to five months, I feel like I’ve missed out. What are the Germans thinking about, what are they worried about, what are they reading? And how is the media and politics intertwined here in Germany?  That is something that I had a conversation Read More

Opinion Piece- Cultural Canon: A Missed Connection with Teenagers’ Sub-Cultural Allure

The Swedish government’s recent proposal to establish a “cultural canon” reflects an earnest desire to preserve national identity, but it risks disconnecting with the very demographic it aims to engage — teenagers. In a world where sub-cultures dominate youth interests, the idea of a fixed cultural canon seems out of touch with the evolving tastes Read More

Stand up!

I’m mindlessly scrolling through my Instagram stories when is see the statement results of the United Nations. Another poll about the war between Israel and Palestine. My first reaction is to quickly scrolling past that story. That’s the reaction I always have when I see people talk about the conflict. You could say  “head in Read More

Nežít ve lži; author: Jaromír Čejka.

WHO LET THE DOGS OUT? Seems like the Czech Republic did: RSF Press Freedom Index 2023

May the 3rd: the National Day of Press Freedom. Dear diary… Freedom of speech and information is one of the fundamental human rights and building blocks of democracy. The ability to freely express one’s opinion reflects in the freedom of press. Also, on the other hand, this is a mutual symbiosis: journalists are considered to Read More

Hopefully Czech press won’t rest on its laurels

Free access to information is one of democracy’s principles as well as plurality of opinions and freedom of speech. Reporters Without Borders published the annual World Press Freedom Index, this time for 2023. Let’s have a look at the result for the Czech Republic and its context. So how is Czechia doing? At first sight Read More

Press Freedom in Canada 2023 – Meet Number 15

The World Press Freedom Index measures where countries rank in a global comparison of relative press freedom. These statistics are important as the freedom of information is essential to maintaining well functioning democracies. The ranking for 2023 was released by Reporters Without Borders (hereafter called RSF) on May 3, 2023; World Press Freedom Day. According Read More

What would happen without the freedom of the press?

“Press Freedom” words that are valuable and important to many individuals. The first and most important role of the media, as we all know, is to report on events, providing the public with ‘eyes and ears’ to monitor the operations of the state, including economic matters, as well as the spectrum of social issues such Read More

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