Vancouver: pacific paradise or metropolitan nightmare?

Vancouver, British Columbia, is the third largest city per capita and the most densely populated municipal region of Canada. Often considered the Hollywood of the North, Vancouver attracts attention from not only major film production studios south of the border, but also tourists from all over the world. As one of the most ethnically and Read More

Would you change your heels for combat boots?

Have you ever wondered how a country can protect itself and why mostly only men serve as our protectors in the military? Don‘t we live in a world where genders should be treated equally? Let me tell you about the situation in my home country Switzerland. At the age of 18 every swiss man is Read More

A Bill like no other

Reading another headliner about the chaos happening in Hong Kong, Yuki, a 21-year-old undergraduate sighed at her home country’s situation. Many of her friends and even her brother had joined in the protests in the past week to express their displeasure with the government’s decision.  While she was unable to join in the protests in-person, Read More

Denmark Featuring Youtube-Nazism

A smell of bacon. Around him a circle of people, mostly made up by teenage boys. They smile and film the event with their smartphones. Finally, the internet phenomenon that they have been following on Youtube for so long, have chosen their city for his show. Yes, it is a show. It has been well Read More

The Road of Democracy- Anti-Extradition Law in Hong Kong

‘It’s my first time going on a protest.’ says a 21-year-old university student in Hong Kong. Neva used to be a political indifferent person. Many HongKongers started their first protest experience by the time the famous Umbrella Movement took place in 2014, while she still remained silent for the time. However, the government has forced Read More

Marriage equality in Taiwan: no rain on this parade

It was a rainy Friday in Taipei, but nothing could dampen the spirits of the 40,000 supporters of marriage equality waiting with bated breath outside the Legislative Yuan building for the new marriage equality bill to be read. Making up a colourful sea of ponchos and pride flags, there was a long pause of silence Read More

The journey to freedom as a boat person

The reunification of Vietnam in 1975 is portrayed by Vietnamese history books as a joint effort of the population in fighting against Western power to regain control of their country. However, Paul Nguyen has a very different idea: “Well, they don’t teach proper history in Vietnam anymore.” Paul, now 57, was born and raised in Read More

Back to School: A Voice for the Immigrants

Saturday, May 18th, 2019   Piazza Duomo in Milan is crowded and loud. Hundreds of people gathered to witness Italian vice prime minister and politicial Matteo Salvini presenting his dicriminatory and aggressive political propaganda based on nationalism and the exclusion of migrants. As it might be easy to infer, I am not pleased to see so many people supporting a neo fascist Read More

FAKE NEWS: An Opinion of a Citizen

” Fake news are news or pronouncements, that are disguised as facts, but they have the purpose to influence people’s opinions in a certain direction” This is what fake news is for German history student, Roberta. I have asked her to meet me in the faculty of History of Munich – a place she is Read More

Men Shouldn’t Be Making Decisions About Women’s Bodies

I’m sure you all have heard of Alabama’s widely unpopular abortion law. This law effectively outlaws abortion in every stage of pregnancy, even in extreme cases of rape and incest. According to Huffpost, the new law has even drawn the disapproval of groups that are generally anti-abortion. I decided to understand the question of abortion Read More

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