Waving a Green Future: Environmental Education in Madrid

This comprehensive report explores the intricate tapestry of environmental education in Madrid, uncovering the city’s proactive stance in addressing ecological challenges through educational channels. From grassroots initiatives within schools to overarching community projects, this analysis delves deep into how Madrid is actively shaping the minds of future generations committed to sustainability. Throughout this exploration, we aim to shed light on the progress made, the challenges faced, and the pivotal role played by the integration of sustainability into the educational fabric of Madrid. Read More

With the boot(s) in the water

Although the climate keeps changing, the institutions continue to be absent, leaving the population and the Italian peninsula under water. But the younger generation promptly repairs the gaps left by the government. A cold, dark cellar, completely submerged by mud and water. Sofia is in there and tries to help to free the cellar from Read More

Stand up!

I’m mindlessly scrolling through my Instagram stories when is see the statement results of the United Nations. Another poll about the war between Israel and Palestine. My first reaction is to quickly scrolling past that story. That’s the reaction I always have when I see people talk about the conflict. You could say  “head in Read More

Fear of unemployment after graduation?

As the day of graduation draws near, the perennial question of “what comes next” looms ever larger in the minds of students. Amidst the backdrop of today’s economic uncertainties and external variables, the prospect of employment after graduation can seem like a daunting riddle. It’s only natural for students to harbor concerns about their impending Read More

My top 5 tips to a more sustainable life

This is it, my very last post on this platform. Thank you, Miriam, for allowing me to write about anything I want. I considered topics we covered during our classes together and I feel like we were always guided to think about the environmental issues, which I appreciate so much, because I’m personally very concerned Read More

From Copywriting to Conversing with AI: Redefining My Dream Job in Communication

Hey there, fellow communication enthusiasts! Today, I want to spill the beans on my dream job and how it’s taken an unexpected twist in the age of AI. As a student specializing in marketing and PR, I’ve always had a soft spot for writing, which led me to fantasize about becoming a copywriter. But hold Read More

Nežít ve lži; author: Jaromír Čejka.

WHO LET THE DOGS OUT? Seems like the Czech Republic did: RSF Press Freedom Index 2023

May the 3rd: the National Day of Press Freedom. Dear diary… Freedom of speech and information is one of the fundamental human rights and building blocks of democracy. The ability to freely express one’s opinion reflects in the freedom of press. Also, on the other hand, this is a mutual symbiosis: journalists are considered to Read More

Press Freedom in Canada 2023 – Meet Number 15

The World Press Freedom Index measures where countries rank in a global comparison of relative press freedom. These statistics are important as the freedom of information is essential to maintaining well functioning democracies. The ranking for 2023 was released by Reporters Without Borders (hereafter called RSF) on May 3, 2023; World Press Freedom Day. According Read More

No country has more journalists in prison than China 📰🔇

In the 2022 World Press Freedom Index, the biggest drop this year was in Hong Kong Reporters Without Borders, which has long focused on global press freedom issues, released its 2022 World Press Freedom Index, describing the trend of global press freedom over the past year as “a new era of divergence”. According to the Read More

Is the internet the problem?

When I learned about the Press Freedom Index, I was interested and surprised that their was such a useful and interesting website full of information, that as a Communication major, I had no idea about. So from there I began to explore this resource that was so new to me to try to understand its Read More

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