How can such a small country make the difference?
Climate Change . Culture . SocietyBlog post by Ana Mafalda Cabral At the edge of Europe, a small country faces the challenges of Climate Change. Portugal is a Southern European country with a 943 Kilometers coastline, which makes Ocean pollution an extremely relevant matter. Frederico Morais, also Known as Kikas, a Portuguese pro surfer dedicates his time to explain to
What if a Free Spirit is Caged?
Culture . SocietySome might say it’s lame to interview one of your best friends —and they might be right— but Eduardo Aristeguieta is the only person I wanted to be part of this with me. We have been friends for more than ten years, so when I messaged him and asked if he wouldn’t mind me interviewing
Meet Medic Student Mira Patel
Authors . Health . Media . Society . Student lifeFact File Name: Mira Patel Age: 21 Ethnicity: British Indian/Portuguese Location: London Occupation: Tutor & Vaccinator Education: 3rd year studying medicine at King’s Collage Star Sign: Leo Hobbies: Mira enjoys most sports but especially Football and Cricket, Going to rooftop bars and trying different foods at stylish restaurants Relation: Friends of 11 years Favourite drink: Mojito Life as
From a journalist to a teacher
Media . SocietyAnna Macků is a young and talented 25-year-old teacher who used to be a highly regarded journalist at Czech Radio, which is the most thrustworthy media house in the Czech Republic, according to a Digital News Report survay by Reuters Institute. She now teaches at a primary school in Prague and teaches the Czech language
Nobody asks an office worker to write a book
Culture . Excursions . Health . Society . TravelThe cliché about every person having a story to tell might seem extreme. But occasionally, you meet that one person, who turns the cliché into a full-blown truth. During the traditional Vogler-family Christmas skiing holiday at Lake Tahoe, California, Mark Vogler discovered a photographer’s exhibition with photographs of heliskiing in Antarctica. And he thought to
Social media and harmful user-generated content: a responsibility that can no longer be ignored
Media . SocietyRecent incidents following the spread of dangerous viral challenges on social media call for an urgent intervention to hold platforms accountable
Canceling “Cancel Culture”: Ja oder Nein?
Culture . Media . SocietyGerüchte, Lügen, Skandale, Kontroversen und viel, viel Drama. Niemand hat gesagt, dass die Welt der Prominenten ein Zuckerschlecken ist, schon gar nicht für die sogenannten “Celebrities”. Ständig im Auge des Sturms, ist ihre Popularität so zerbrechlich wie Glas: Alles, was sie sagen oder tun, kann und wird normalerweise gegen sie verwendet werden. Indem wir die
Think before you tweet & beware before you share
Health . Media . SocietyI firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, but in retrospect, I never imagined that something like this pandemic could take place, not even in my wildest dreams. Since this coronavirus nightmare began, we bumped into a reality we had never faced before. Waking up to this new reality is tough and mentally exhausting,
Apart from learning: how Coronavirus is undermining a generation’s future
SocietyOver the last months, thousands of children and teenagers have spent their days alone in front of a screen – this raises difficult questions about the future of a generation.
The Born Identity: a conversation about identity and cultural backgrounds
Culture . SocietyBeing the child of two generations of emigrants is not always easy, and it can sometimes pose challenges to the perception of one’s own identity. I have investigated these implications with my friend Basem.