Finding home and leaving it

Hello for one last time, and welcome to a very soppy and nostalgic post (sorry for that). First arriving here, I really did not know what to expect from the incoming months and this city. It was pretty stressful, having to settle in a new home, still having issues with class registration and trying to Read More

Cheers to Memories and a Heartfelt Auf Wiedersehen: My Munich Adventure Comes to an End

As the the breath of the end hovers above my winter semester at LMU University in Munich, I can’t help but reflect on the incredible journey that unfolded over the past few months. From embracing the vibrant international atmosphere to discovering hidden corners of the city, my Erasmus+ experience has been nothing but exciting. However, Read More

This is not a farewell, just a goodbye!

Dear Munich, This experience started with a letter, so it should also end with another! The moment of saying goodbye is always the most difficult when you have spent one of the most beautiful periods of your life! So much has happened during these months: I met new people, made very special friends and had Read More

Munich Diaries: From First Impressions to Lasting Memories

I can’t start this post with any expression different to: “Wow”. It’s going to be really difficult to talk about this experience and put in words all the feelings. experiences and people.  I think the best form to start this post is talking about this city: Munich. I remember the first time I set foot Read More

May we all have the courage to choose our own paths—a brief interview with Zoey

Zoey is a girl from China, currently in her second year of undergraduate studies at the IFKW. She has spent over two years in Germany. We first met in one of our major courses, and we knew each other better as our hometown is close. In a brief conversation, I learned that after studying in Read More

Germany and Italy meet each other

The Erasmus program is a really life-changing experience for those students that decide to take part in it. For some of them the change might not be so huge and for others will, what is sure is that after one or two semesters studying far from your home country, you will not be the same Read More

Cooking abroad : between instant noodles and fancy restaurants

For many students, going abroad means putting aside a part of one’s culinary culture, and making room for another. I join Giada in her kitchen, busy preparing dinner for her and her friends. As an Erasmus student from Italy, she was confronted to this change of habits. A culinary challenge For Giada, cooking is a Read More

Spotted: doing an exchange program in Munich and having the time of her life

Excuse me if this post screams Gossip Girl. I’m currently binge watching the whole show for the second time. Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Chen Abramovich and I’m from Israel. I’m studying sociology and anthropology for my master’s. My bachelor’s is in communication, majoring in radio broadcasting and podcasting.  Actually, I tried to write this post many times, but I just couldn’t find Read More

Fear of unemployment after graduation?

As the day of graduation draws near, the perennial question of “what comes next” looms ever larger in the minds of students. Amidst the backdrop of today’s economic uncertainties and external variables, the prospect of employment after graduation can seem like a daunting riddle. It’s only natural for students to harbor concerns about their impending Read More

Hi there!

“You’re moving to Munich? That’s so close to Zurich. That doesn’t count as an exchange.” That’s the reaction I kept getting this summer when I told people about my plans. So, let me explain. I’m Audrey, a Swiss student. But for my last semester in my Master’s program, I decided to change things up and Read More

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