In China,it’s difficult to talk about “News Freedom”.

“Freedom of the press refers to the right of the media and citizens to interview, write, report, release and accept news, establish media, publish and distribute media products through the Constitution or relevant laws and regulations.” I want to  talk about it through an example. Recently, the epidemic situation in Shanghai was very serious, and the Read More

My self-introduction-Here is JIA Yuxuan~

Here is JIA Yuxuan,You can call me Xuan. I come from China and I am 24 years old.AS a  postgraduate student study at FUDAN University. Unfortunately, due to the epidemic in Shanghai, I failed to get my visa and missed the chance to go to Munich. Now I can only take classes remotely from Shanghai  (Sadly Read More

The Ugly Truth of Thai press

“Press” and “Freedom” are the two things that should always coexist. One of the most important function of the press is to checks and balances, making sure that no one person or department, namely the government, has absolute control over decisions. Unfortunately, centralization of power has developed into one of the most problematic conflict ever Read More

It’s me again!

Hallo: one of the 10 words I know in German even after spending one whole semester in Munich. I use it a lot. My name Is Michelle Gutiérrez, though through my Erasmus I’ve gained a couple of nicknames: Obama, Miguel and Marcel. You can choose any of those. I was born and raised in Barquisimeto, Read More


Warmest May in Spain Spain faces the earliest heat wave in history. On Wednesday 18th of May Spain is going toexperience an “important warm episode” which would be the first one in May. It is expected thatfrom Wednesday till Saturday the temperatures will not stop raising, achieving temperatures10o-15o higher than usual. The earliest official heat Read More

Self Introduction 2

Name My name is Rubén, but people call me in such different ways: Rubens (like the painter), Ru or even U-bahn. Why U-bahn? A friend of mine found funny that non-spanish speakers cannot pronouncemy name correctly (with the rolled R at the beginning), so she started introducing me as U-bahn so people could understand and Read More

Press freedom in Colombia: A restricted right

“Freedom of the press is equivalent to the thermometer of democracy. With greater freedom of the press, greater democracy”, said Juan Camilo Hernández, director of the Social Communication and Journalism Program. Even though press freedom is a fundamental right stated in the Political Constitution of Colombia, journalism has historically been abused in the country (University Read More

Venezuela: Refusing Censorship

In recent years, the Venezuelan government has implemented actions against the media and non-governmental organizations that translate into censorship measures and limitations on access to public information. The powers, especially the judiciary, are used as a barrier that prevents citizens from having access to data related to the management of State resources and other issues Read More

The 26th place for France

Every year, the association called “Reporters sans frontières” (Reporters without borders) publishes a ranking relative to press freedom. The association defines press freedom as “the effective possibility for journalists, as individuals and as collectives, to select, produce and disseminate information in the public interest, independently of political, economic, legal and social interference, and without threat Read More

the Lack of Press Freedom in Thailand

When it comes to press freedom, Thailand ranked 115 out of 180 countries in this year’s World Press Freedom index which is honestly not a good place. This is a result of our current government. Our Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has a vision that the media should play a major role in supporting the government’s Read More

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