Michael Stengl, Süddeutsche Zeitung: ‘’Qualitative journalism will stay important’’

Group interview at the printery of Süddeutsche Zeitung 9/11 2023 Preparing an interview for our excursion to the printery of the Süddeutsche Zeitung was challenging, since it was hard to imagine what to expect. After getting an introduction from the company’s sales consultant Mr Michael Stengl, we as a group realized that a lot of Read More

Don’t worry, be water: in Munich I encounter myself

Dear reader, The typical way to start a self-introduction is by name, and mine is Nora. Coming from Shanghai, Munich keeps surprising me with its own charm. I remembered the cold air sweeping towards my face before it quickly condensed into fog. Though studying in Munich, I live in Oberhaching, a wonderful countryside filled with Read More

“Erasmus Adventures in Munich: A Life Transformed by Travel”

Welcome to this exclusive interview with a remarkable 21-year-old Spanish student, currently immersed in the fascinating world of Erasmus in the vibrant city of Munich, Germany. Meet Ariadna Leal, an adventurous soul whose true passion and favorite hobby is exploring the world through travel. In her mere 21 years of life, she’s been fortunate enough Read More

Enigma at Galerie Andreas Binder

Gallerist Nora interviewed by Julius Johansson 8/11 2023 “When you have a closer look they have a light “within”, it makes them kind of glistening and walking around makes them vivid things. I think the artist plays with that in different ways. This is a very strong and colorful piece, I can’t help it, I Read More

Servus & Ahoj, Let’s Introduce

Servus, my name is Filip and in the following lines I would like to introduce myself and try to present why I am here in Munich. I’m 21 years old Erasmus+ student born in April. Even though I know almost nothing about signs, I’m a Taurus. At my home Charles University, I am a third-year Read More

May we all have the courage to choose our own paths—a brief interview with Zoey

Zoey is a girl from China, currently in her second year of undergraduate studies at the IFKW. She has spent over two years in Germany. We first met in one of our major courses, and we knew each other better as our hometown is close. In a brief conversation, I learned that after studying in Read More

Ofer Shinar “This Is an Example of the PR War”

Today I bring you an interview with Ofer Shinar, my friend and classmate here at LMU. In the article, we mostly talk about his experiences with the academic environment and opinions related to the country he comes from. Before we get down to it, let me briefly introduce him. Ofer is 29 years old visiting Read More

✈️ From Hong Kong to Italy 🍝

Interviewer: Sua JungInterviewee: Selina Chong As I embarked on my exchange journey in Munich, l was able to form meaningful connections with individuals from around the globe. Among them were my Italian friends, who shared their language and culture with me and ignited a profound fascination for their homeland, Italy. Recently, one of my dearest Read More

“I am meaningful to so many people. I can really affect them”

Meet Michal Hobel. She is 40 years old, married with 3 kids, lives in Beer Sheva and works as a high school teacher. Michal has worked with kids and teenagers for the past 20 years. She guided youths at risk in special boarding schools, hostels, and community centers. 5 years ago, she decided to take the next step and got her teaching license. Read More

Germany and Italy meet each other

The Erasmus program is a really life-changing experience for those students that decide to take part in it. For some of them the change might not be so huge and for others will, what is sure is that after one or two semesters studying far from your home country, you will not be the same Read More

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